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Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197

Folio 133r. Diepold von Schweinspeunt. Women drive a herd in between and capture two men /
Escape of Guido di Castelvecchio, who had tried to seize the prey made by Diepold von Schweinspeunt in his raids

Fuga di Guido di Castelvecchio che aveva tentato d'impadronirsi della preda fatta da Diopoldo di Vohburg nelle sue scorrerie.

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Back to the smaller image of 'Diepold von Schweinspeunt. Women drive a herd in between and capture two men. / Escape of Guido di Castelvecchio, who had tried to seize the prey made by Diepold von Schweinspeunt in his raids', in Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, Sicily, c.1197.

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