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Swiss Halberdier by Hans Jakob Plepp

A larger image of a Swiss Halberdier by Hans Jakob Plepp, late 16th century

Design for Stained Glass: A Halbardier by an Unfinished Coat of Arms
Artist: Hans Jakob Plepp (Swiss, Biel ca. 1557/60–ca. 1597/98 Bern)
Date: ca. 1570–80
Medium: Pen and black ink and gray wash
Dimensions: 12 1/8 x 8 5/16 in. (30.8 x 21.1 cm)
Classifications: Drawings, Ornament & Architecture
Credit Line:Edward Pearce Casey Fund, 2000
Accession Number: 2000.579
Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

See also "Swiss Halberdier and Two Pikemen" by Hans Jakob Plepp, late 16th century
"Le Suyſſe" (the Swiss) in Recueil de la diversité des habits, qui sont de présent en usage, tant es pays d'Europe, Asie, Affrique & isles sauvages, le tout fait après le naturel by François Desprez, 1567
Other Swiss Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

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