Installation of The Peninsular mod for Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory. Note: If your operating system is set to the default of not displaying common file extensions, you will not see .exe, .zip or .bmp file extensions. The unusual .bag & .bm2 file extensions should be seen. Make a new installation of ANGV or make a copy of your ANGV folder & rename it PeninsularANGV. The zips required are: French& Unzip into the PeninsularANGV folder, overwriting files. (This version also gets rid of Sokolnitz). This contains Austerlitz.exe & JPIEXAe.dll (which is needed for the unipatch to work). Run the Artillery patch (AustArtyPatch.exe) if you wish to set the effect of artillery. Extract all the other zip files into the PeninsularANGV folder with "Overwrite Existing Files" & "Use Folder Names" checked. Reply yes to overwriting all read only files when asked. Unzip last so that any updates included can overwrite previous versions. Note : you must have BagBoy to add the other Graphics files - it is "bagboy10.exe" in the installed ANGV folder. If you don't have it you can find it at (see the ModInfo folder for a help file). Install BagBoy by doubleclicking on bagboy10.exe and following the install wizard prompts. Start the BagBoy utility by using its shortcut. Go to "File" and click on Open". A box will popup; in the bar entitled "Look in", navigate your way to the PeninsularANGV/Graphics folder. The .bag files should now be listed in the window. Click on "WaterMisc.bag". Its contents will be listed in the window. [or you can start with WaterMisc.bag by double clicking on a WaterMisc.bag which will start its associated program "BagBoy"]. Go to "Archive" and click on "Add". A new box will popup; in the bar entitled "Look in", navigate your way to the WaterMisc sub folder of the Graphics folder. Choose .BMP files from the drop-down menu. Select all the files by clicking on the 1st, scroll to the last, hold shift and click on the last, and click on "Open". Delete the WaterMisc folder. Add the .BMP files in the WaterMap folder to WaterMap.bag in the Graphics folder using BagBoy. Delete the WaterMap folder. The soldier files are used directly from the graphics folder (some problem may cause only the infantry and horses to be displayed with the riders, guns & gunners invisible). Delete the existing WaterArmy.bag. A WaterAux.bag is included so no files need to be loaded into this. Run "CopyBritishToRussian.bat" & "CopySpanishToGerman.bat" in the Sounds folder, by double clicking on each, to copy the British voices over the Russian files & the Spanish voices over the German files. Make a shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on Austerlitz.exe, "send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut)". Rename the shortcut "PeninsularANGV". Copy an austerlitz.ini & MapData folder, from within the ini folder, & paste them into the PeninsularANGV folder (overwriting files) for the battle you wish to play next. Run Austerlitz.exe directly or via the shortcut to run the game. When you have had enough PeninsularANGV, delete the PeninsularANGV folder & shortcut, no need to restore. This mod is only set up for modded version 1 ANGV. Version 2 is not necessarily better than modded version 1. Version 2 does not have working fog, sunset & sunrise are always for Winter in Bohemia, jump maps must be stretched to fit the standard size and the number of loading screens can't be set to the number available for a mod. It does have extra features but none are used for this mod. If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, see Graeme ************************************************************************** N.B. This includes the updates in & from Davros' site. 21 June 09: changes to Spanish infantry repaired. Some infantry hidden & form square rows swapped to the correct order. Cazadores de Olivenza graphic- 128 added from WNLB version. French 2nd Hussars- 117 added from WNLB version. Portugese Dragoons use 121cavstand - blue coat & helmet with comb and caterpillar crest. British Dragoon fore-and-aft bicorne changed to sideways bicorne with depending corners. Unused cavalry graphics deleted. ;changes to New scenplay button made, some other buttons added & screens cleaned. Incorrect green background colour within loops of availableflags.bmp, frozenflags.bmp & selectedflags.bmp corrected (the same problem is on the standard flags). Some flags have been moved so they don't animate up and down. Scenarios maps for Albuhera 47 & Baylen 29 added. ;changes to Portraits of Alburquerque & Zayas added. Albuhera objectives moved a bit to correspond with terrain. 29/1/10 Rokonitz.bmp added to display the Busaco convent. The modded austerlitz.exe uses the name "Rokonitz" rather than "sokonitz". 2/2/10 availableflags.bmp added. It is used by artillery sheltering in a square. 28/2/10: changes to Incorrect red in shadows of French Line 101 run graphic corrected. Some clean up of cavalry graphics. Spanish Husares de Castilla plume cuffs & trouser stripe altered. Other cavalry graphics from the WNLB version added, (yet to be added to OOBs). 20th Light Dragoons given a commander in Vimiero. KGL Light battalions in Busaco placed under Lowe for AI purposes. 2nd Hussars KGL in Busaco attached to King's German Legion Heavy Cavalry for AI purposes. Simple JumpMap for Vimiero made. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Davros Re: FontenoyANGV #4 [-] Posts: 1061 (01/27/06 16:09:18) Hello Everyone, Salamander, what I have done with Fontenoy is to make the British/Allies army number 5 whilst the French remain Army number number 3. When I did WaterlooANGV and PeninsularANGV I retained Army number 1 for the British and made the Spanish number 2. That made everything easier to convert but unfortunately the ANGV engine doesn't recognise Army number 1 when it calculates points for enemy morale loss. I suppose that it is not that big a deal but it did skew the endgame results slightly. This time the calculations should be more accurate. I have been working on a new uniform for the Irish legion. I already had one but it looked too much like the British one so I thought I had better change it. It now looks a bit better but I am not sure that I like the overall shade of red. Perhaps I will see if I can improve it. Davros