BORODINO for WNLB After downloading, you should have the following Zip files : . . or later . . . . . If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, see Make a copy of your Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle folder or a new installation and name it BorodinoWNLB. Extract the zip files in the order above into the BorodinoWNLB folder with 'use folder names' & 'overwrite existing files' checked. ( contains Penmod.exe, a .dll and an .ini file. Extract this 1st and the .ini file will be overwritten latter by the Borodino one which has campaign=60.) The .BMP files in the WaterArmy subfolder of the Graphics folder must be loaded into the WaterArmy.bag in the Graphics sub-folder using BAGBOY. If you don't have the BAGBOY program, you can download it from Install it by double clicking on bagboy.exe and following the installation wizard prompts. If you have BAGBOY installed, double click on WaterAux.bag, navigate to the WaterAux subfolder, click on the 1st file, scroll to the last, hold down the 'shift' key and click on the last to select them all. Click 'Open". Close Bagboy. Files in the WaterCmd subfolder of the Graphics must be loaded into the WaterCmd.bag in the Graphics folder using BAGBOY. BMP files in the WaterMap subfolder of the Graphics are terrain features & must be loaded into the WaterMap.bag in the Graphics folder using BAGBOY. Select .BMP files from the drop down list. BMP files in the WaterMisc subfolder of the Graphics are miscellaneous graphics items & must be loaded into the WaterMisc.bag in the Graphics sub-folder using BAGBOY. The soldier, artillery & horse graphics are already in BorodinoArmy.bag. WaterArmy.bag can be deleted. SOUNDS ****** Run BorodinoWNLB_CopySounds.bat in the Sounds sub folder by double clicking on it. This will copy the Russian sounds to the German files. The Russian voices are from ANGV. MUSIC ***** puts Russian_trk_2.wav, Russian_trk_3.wav (from ANGV) & Bozhe, tsarya khrani (God Save The Czar) into a music subfolder of the Sounds folder. puts FrenchSong02.wav, FrenchSong06.wav & FrenchSong12.wav into a music subfolder of the Sounds folder. Delete Waterloo.exe If using XP or later, right click on Penmod.exe and set the properties to Win98 compatibility. Run Penmod.exe to run the game. You can make a shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on Penmod.exe, "send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut)". waterloo.ini should contain: "Campaign=60". When you have had enough Borodino, delete the BorodinoWNLB folder & shortcut, no need to restore. ********************************************************************************************* This is a conversion of version 2.1 of Borodino for ANGV. The artillery have been redone to fit WNLB battery types (12 gun horse artillery batteries are represented by 2 batteries and 3 battery brigades are represented by 4 batteries). Batteries and detachments placement has been revamped. The redoubt behind the Semyonovka stream has been added. A new graphic to represent Russian Licornes is included. New Graphics for Russian buildings have been added. The normal river is used rather than recoloured snow ponds with or without invisible river borders. The crossings points are visible fords, roads or stream sections. 13 May 10: Background colour in 36artsold.bmp corrected. 7/5/11 Portrait of Dejean added. Graeme ********************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************** DESIGNER'S NOTES Map It wasn't until I was 1/2 way through that it was pointed out my map on its default view doesn't face north. Perspective wise this is a bit of a shame as the camera angles don't give you a true north even when you rotate them. It was however the easiest (and best) map I had. So for those of you who grab your history books and think things don't line up properly I can assure you they do & are to scale. Just one of those modding compromises. The only hidden terrain is in the redoubts the new redoubt/trench graphic (courtesy Avon) is the old sunken road (50% defensive bonus) , this is underlied with the sandpit code to make the terrain non-cav. It seems to work well as the way to dislodge those Russians seems to be with the bayonet in assault column. The biggest problem I faced was the non crossable Kolocha river. I have compromised and made the parts where the French had to cross uncrossable (except for their historic crossing points) As a rule the clear riverbanks are uncrossable the marshy river banks are the crossing points. Past Borodino heading east its all crossable. The reason for this is that in the random battle if troops are placed on the non crossable code they will be trapped all game. Another of those hard compromises that had to be made. Remember river terrain is treated as plains by the game. The ingame random battle generator (not battgen) doesn't seem to work until you've started a scen. ie play a scen for a couple of seconds exit and select the random generator. Don't ask me why? ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** WITHOUT WHOM Davros - For his unmatched technical assistance & encouragement. Junot - Again for some great uniform graphics. Avon U - Avon did all the new screens and generally made everything more visually appealing. Rosen - For his uniform graphics additions. Mikhail/Atos - For helping me with the very difficult Russian oob's correcting all my numerous errors and poor Russian spelling. Misc others - who did some testing etc Thanks to you all, a good team effort. ******************************************************************* SOURCES George Nafzinger - Napoleons Invasion of Russia Chandler - Campaigns of Napoleon Esposito & Elting - Military History & Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars Various websites E. Hourtoulee - Borodino the Moskova C. Duffy - Borodino Napoleon against Russia Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) , Philip Haythornthwaite Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) , Philip Haythornthwaite Napoleon's Hussars , Emir Bukhari Napoleon's Chasseurs , Emir Bukhari Various websites ******************************************************************* DISCLAIMER I have tested this mod as much as time allowed , there will be errors , but hopefully it will still be enjoyable. I always appreciate feedback so let me know where you think it can be improved. I hope you enjoy playing it ! Highlander