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Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15

Few aircraft are as recognizable
as the Soviet MiG-15 fighter. Appearing almost diminutive in comparison
to its Korean War adversary, the F-86, the MiG was one of the world's best
fighters in its day. Prior to the Soviet jet being deployed in Korea, U.N. Air Forces
held total superiority over the entire Korean peninsula. However, once
on the scene, the MiG-15 threatened to overpower American first-generation
straight wing jet fighters, such as the F-80 Shooting Star. In response
to this danger, the U.S. Air Force rushed the swept wing F-86 Sabre to
Japan. Nonetheless, there were never adequate numbers of Sabres available
to meet the MiGs on anything approaching even strength. Fast climbing,
high flying and packing a powerful punch, the MiG-15 raised the stakes
considerably in the battle to control the sky over Korea. The secret deployment
of Soviet Fighter regiments to China and North Korea presented the U.N.
Air Forces with experienced adversaries, many of them veterans of WWII.
Many of the Soviet pilots were proclaimed to have become aces in Korea,
and despite wildly inflated victory claims, the Soviet pilots could be
counted upon to be both skilled and courageous enemies.

For many months, all the U.N. Air Forces could do was speculate about the capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of the MiG-15.
In a desperate effort to get their hands on one of the aircraft, a bounty was offered to any communist pilot who would
defect to the West with their MiG. None took the offer.
That is until a disallusioned North Korean fighter pilot, unaware of the $100,000 reward,
defected with his MiG-15bis, landing at Kimpo.
After extensive testing by the Air Force's best test pilots (including Chuck Yeager), the results
confirmed that the MiG-15 was every bit as good as suspected, perhaps even better.
This grainy photo shows the North Korean MiG after it had been painted in USAF colors.
Read More About This Aircraft
Read More About the Defector and his MiG-15
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