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Twelfth AF

B-17's bomb harbor and shipping at Tunis and shipping in La Goulette harbor. Ftrs escort bmrs and cover ground forces in Sened-Maknassy area. A-20's and P-40's bomb tank and vehicle concentration near Sidi Khalif.


Ninth AF

HQ 9th Ftr Wg arrives in Egypt.


Tenth AF

7 B-24's from Pandaveswar bomb Arakan tea sheds on Rangoon R near Rangoon harbor.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb runway and aircraft dispersal areas at Rabaul. A lone B-24 bombs runway at Finschhafen, then flies E to New Britain where it bombs runway at Cape Gloucester and unsuccessfully attacks ship in Open Bay.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's, P-40's, and P-39's, along with Navy and Marine airplanes, attack 4 destroyers N of Vangunu I. Hits on 2 of the ships cause fires. B-17's attack shipping in Shortland-Bougainville area, claiming 3 direct hits on cargo vessels.


Eleventh AF

All missions canceled due to weather. Enemy aircraft bomb and strafe Amchitka harbor and shipping without inflicting damage.


Twelfth AF

B-25's and B-26's, in coordinated attacks, bomb El Maou A/F at Sfax. A-20's, with P-40's and P-39's escorting, bomb munitions dump in battle area. Other ftrs fly cover missions for ground forces along battleline and carry out rcn operations.


Tenth AF

P-40's strafe aircraft, AA positions, and T/Os at Kentung.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb A/F at Rabaul. B-24's attack shipping between Lolobau Is and New Britain and N of Open Bay, bomb Gasmata runway, and hit Timika. A-20's continue to bomb and strafe positions on high points between Mubo and Komiatum.


Thirteenth AF

B-17's, along with escorting P-40's and P-38's, attack shipping off Shortland I. Of 20 Japanese aircraft which intercept, 9 are claimed destroyed. Other B-26's, P-38's, and P-39's attack Munda A/F.


Twelfth AF

B-26's attack Gabes and vessels between Tunisia and Sicily. B-25's hit bridges over river N of Maknassy, damaging railroad bridge. A-20's hit tanks and vehicles further N, and attack a large howitzer and numerous trucks E of Ousseltia.


Ninth AF

B-24's hit harbors at Palermo and Messina: 1 bombs Plati.


Fifth AF

A-20's continue to strike along Mubo-Komiatum Track. B-17's and B-24's attack Gasmata runway, Simpson Harbor, Cape Gazelle area, and A/F at Cape Gloucester. B-25's bomb Dobo on Wamar.


Thirteenth AF

P-39's, P-38's, and P-40's, along with Navy and Marine planes, attack Munda A/F.



Gen Andrews assumes cmd of ETOUSA. NATOUSA is established with Gen Eisenhower as cmdr.


Eighth AF

32 HBs attack M/Y, port area and industries in Emden, and a few strike at industries in Osnabruck. Bmrs are opposed for first time by twin-engine ftrs (Me 110's and Ju 88's).


Twelfth AF

B-17's hit Gabes A/F and a landing ground W of the town. Weather prevents completion of a MB mission against landing ground further SW. Ftrs escort bmrs and C-47's and fly rcn over battle area.


Tenth AF

6 B-25's and 7 B-24's bomb Myitnge bridge S of Mandalay, damaging S approach. 3 other B-25's bomb Myitnge railroad shops.


Fifth AF

A-20's and B-25's bomb Lae A/F and harbor and nearby AA positions, and hit forces in Mubo, Komiatum, Zaka, and Wau areas. Japanese forces begin retreating in disorder from Wau area toward Mubo. HBs hit A/Fs at Rabaul, Gasmata, and Cape Gloucester, score hits on vessel off Arawe, and attack small boats at Lorengau, sinking 1 boat.


Thirteenth AF

A single B-17 joins Navy aircraft in pounding Kahili A/F. Other Navy airplanes hit Munda A/F."


Eleventh AF

The weather rcn plane over Kiska, jumped by 3 ftrs, shoots 1 down. It is followed by 3 B-17's, 3 B-24's, 3 B-25's, 4 P-38's, and 8 P-40's. The B-24's blast North Head submarine base, and score near misses on cargo ship. The B-25's hit vicinity of Main Camp area. 3 of 5 float-planes which intercept are shot down. The P-40's strafe Kiska ground installation and sight a ftr strip SW of Salmon Lagoon. 2 Amchitka ftr patrols are flown. The first also strafes gun emplacements on Vega Pt. 5 enemy bmrs strike Amchitka.


Twelfth AF

Bad weather cancels HB and MB missions. Ftrs fly rcn missions (strafing trucks near Jabal Ash Shamsi), local patrols, and escort for C-47's.


Tenth AF

6 B-24's bomb railroad station area at Rangoon. P-40's bomb railway cut W of Meza, and having blocked the line, strafe a halted train. 6 B-25's attack Myitnge bridge but fail to knock out the tgt. P-40's hit T/Os in Kentung area.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb Rabaul A/Fs while B-24's blast docks and shipping at Amboina. B-25's hit Dobo. A-20's continue to bomb and strafe forces around Zaka, Sappa, Mubo, and Gona. HBs carry out individual attacks on shipping off Papua and New Britain and hit town of Rabaul and A/F at Gasmata.


Twelfth AF

XII BC cancels missions because of weather. P-40's and P-39's fly rcn and strafing mission between Sidi bou Zid and Sfax. Spitfires escort transport and evacuation missions.


Tenth AF

16 ftrs follow Mali R to Hpunkizup where they destroy about 20 trucks loaded with bridge repair equipment and completely decimate the village. HBs attack bridge at Myitnge but fail to seriously damage the tgt.


Fifth AF

A-20's bomb and strafe forces along track from Mubo to Komiatum to Salamaua and hit the enemy in the Mambare R delta. B-25's hit A/F at Lae. A single B-24 hits cargo vessels off Finschhafen and Powell Pt, claiming 1 vessel destroyed, and attacks troop barges in Riebeck Bay, causing several casualties. Japanese aircraft attack Wau A/F; Allied ftrs (P-40's, P-39's, P-400's, and P-39's) effectively intercept the attacks during the late morning and midday hours, claiming 24 of the enemy shot down in air combat. No allied aircraft are shot down.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn is flown over Kiska and Attu.


Twelfth AF

Over 50 B-17's and B-26's bomb Elmas A/F and seaplane base at Cagliari. P-38's provide escort. Ftrs and A-20's fly rcn over large areas of E Tunisia. Ftrs strafe gun batteries in Gafsa-Maknassy area.


Ninth AF

B-24's hit harbor at Naples, scoring direct hit on 1 vessel and hits on others.


Fifth AF

A single B-24 bombs Dobo and Babo, while another bombs Timika and Kaukenau.


Eleventh AF

1 B-17 flies weather rcn over Kiska.


Twelfth AF

B-17's bomb docks and shipping at Sousse. B-26's and B-25's bomb Gabes A/F, also hitting nearby M/Y. 2 forces of A-20's attack vehicle and troop concentration E of Faid. Ftrs escort bmr missions, strafe Sened-Maknassy area and landing ground at Kebili, and fly routine rcn and patrols.


Ninth AF

B-24's attack ferry installations at Messina.


Tenth AF

18 B-24's pound Rangoon M/Y, wrecking locomotive shops and destroying railroad station. 3 other HBs bomb runway at Mingaladon.


Fifth AF

A-20's pound Japanese forces in Mubo area. B-25's bomb Dobo town area. A single B-24 bombs Gasmata A/F."


Thirteenth AF

P-38's and Navy aircraft bomb Munda A/F.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn is flown over Kiska, Agattu, and Attu. 5 B-24's and 5 B-25's bomb Kiska Camp area and hit water tank and bldgs. 2 B-25's bomb North Head through overcast. 4 P-38's and 1 B-25 patrol over Amchitka.


Twelfth AF

B-17's bomb Kairouan A/F. Ftrs strafe AA and machine-guns and trucks in Faid Pass, buildings near Mezzouna, trucks in Station de Sened area, and fly escort and rcn missions.


Ninth AF

B-25's bomb A/Fs on Crete.


Fifth AF

B-24's bomb Kendari A/F. A-20's hit Malahang area.


Thirteenth AF

B-26's, P-38's, and P-39's pound A/F at Vila. Other P-38's join Navy aircraft in attacking Munda A/F. Organized Japanese resistance ends on Guadalcanal.



German sub, U-519, is sunk NW of Spain, 47-05N 18-34 W, by aircraft of 2d Antisub Sq.


Twelfth AF

B-25's attack shipping between Tunisia and Sicily, claiming 1 vessel sunk and another badly damaged. Weather cancels other bmr missions. P-39's and Spitfires of XII A Spt Cmd strafe gun batteries, machinegun nests, vehicles, and troops in Maknassy-Station de Sened-Bou Hamran area.


Ninth AF

B-24's sent to attack Palermo are forced to abort because of bad weather. They jettison bombs or return with them to base. 1 aircraft scores direct hits on Italian highway. Rainfall delays British Eighth Army assault on Mareth Line positions at Ben Gardane.


Tenth AF

8 B-25's bomb rolling stock at Maymyo.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's and Navy aircraft attack Munda A/F.


Eleventh AF

The weather rcn aircraft aborts due to radio failure. 4 B-24's, 2 B-17's, 8 B-25's, and 8 P-38's attack Kiska. Hits are observed on landing strip and near hangar and buildings. 2 patrol missions, each by 4 P-38's and 1 B-25, are flown over Amchitka.


Twelfth AF

Bad weather cancels HB and MB missions. A-20's hit Station de Sened. Ftrs escort LBs and transports, and fly rcn and patrols.


Ninth AF

RAF Liberators, under IX BC, are sent against Heraklion A/F during 10/11 Feb. Severe weather causes them to abort near S coast of Crete.


Fifth AF

During predawn hours a B-17 carries out harassing strike over Rabaul.


Thirteenth AF

B-26's, P-38's, and P-39's bomb A/Fs at Munda and Vila.


Twelfth AF

HB and MB missions are canceled because of weather. A-20's attack gun installations W of Station de Sened. Ftrs escort A-20's and C-47's, and fly routine patrols.


Tenth AF

7 B-24's pound Myitnge bridge area but fail to damage bridge itself. This strike marks first use of 2,000-lb blockbusters in the CBI. 12 other B-24's bomb Mahlwagon M/Y and railway station at Rangoon. 12 P-40's hit barracks near Lonkin."


Fifth AF

B-24's, operating individually, attack sawmill at Ubili, runway at Cape Gloucester, and harbor and A/F at Rabaul, and score possible hit on 6,000-ton vessel in Solomon Sea between New Britain and Bougainville.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's, along with Navy aircraft, attack Munda area, hitting AA at Rapa and setting fires at Kokengolo. B-26's and P-39's follow with strike on the Munda A/F."


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn and attack missions on Kiska and a ftr patrol over Amchitka are broken off due to weather."


Twelfth AF

B-26's bomb El Aouina A/F. Ftrs escort MBs, strafe tanks near Station de Sened, and destroy several trucks and staff cars in the Faid area.


Ninth AF

B-24's bomb Naples area and Crotone A/F and city area under storm conditions. During late afternoon and early evening RAF Liberators hit Heraklion A/F. 1 HB hits Kastelli/Pediada A/F on return trip.


Tenth AF

7 HBs from Gaya bomb Rangoon M/Y, scoring over 30 direct hits on the tgt. P-40's hit HQ at Lonkin, burning 12 barracks. 9 B-25's hit rolling stock in M/Y at Paukkan and along rail line from Shwebo to Sagaing.


Fifth AF

A-20's pound forces in and around Mubo while B-25's hit Lae area. A single B-24 bombs saw mill area at Ubili and a B-17 hits T/Os in Rabaul area.


Thirteenth AF

6 B-24's, with light ftr cover from Guadalcanal, bomb Buin and shipping in nearby Shortland Is area. Ftr opposition is aggressive; 3 HBs, plus 3 ftrs, are shot down. This is the baptism of fire in the Solomons for the B-24's of 424th Bomb Sq, 307th Bomb Gp.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn is flown over Kiska, Attu, Agattu, the Semichis, and Buldir I. 5 HBs, 6 MBs, and 10 P-38's bomb and strafe Kiska tgts including Camp area, landing strip, and shipping. Of 5 float-type ftrs which attack, P-38's shoot down 3. 4 P-38's and 1 B-25 fly patrol mission over Amchitka and Little Kiska. A B-25 shoots down a floatplane.


Twelfth AF

B-25's on shipping strike return with bombs when no vessels are sighted. Other MB and HB operations are canceled by bad weather. Ftrs strafe vehicles and gun emplacements in El Guettar-Sened-Maknassy areas, and hit tanks and trucks near Sidi Saad. A-20's bomb tanks in Faid Pass, trucks near Maknassy and SW of Faid, town of Maknassy, and railroad yards at Station de Sened. Enemy ground forces (armd and inf ) begin drive, supported by arty and dive bmrs, against Allied forces E of Sidi bou Zid.



Soviet Army takes Rostov, key comm center for German forces.


Tenth AF

MBs unsuccessfully attack bridge at Myitnge. 14 FBs hit town area of Maingkwan and barracks to the SW."


Fifth AF

B-17's and B-24's administer a thorough pounding to the Rabaul area, and also bomb Kokopo area, Watom I, vessels off Kokopo and off Cape Nelson. Individual B-24's attack Madang area and hit sawmill at Ubili. B-25's bomb A/F at Lae."


Thirteenth AF

9 B-24's, with light ftr protection, again attack Buin. Japanese ftrs again put up rugged opposition and shoot down 2 B-24's. As a result of the loss of 5 HBs in 15 sorties in 2 days, all daylight bombing missions in N Solomons are halted till adequate ftr protection can be furnished. P-39's and Navy aircraft bomb and strafe Munda A/F and hit AA position and other tgts at Munda Pt. P-38's and Navy aircraft report hits on small vessel near Kahili and claim 11 shot down. 8 more Allied airplanes are lost.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn airplane turns back due to weather, as does morning patrol of 1 B-25 and 4 P-38's flying over Amchitka. Other missions from Adak are also called off. 7 enemy float-type planes bomb and strafe Constantine Harbor area without effect.


Eighth AF

21 HBs strike shipping at Dunkirk."


Twelfth AF

B-17's hit harbor and shipping at Palermo, while B-25's and B-26's attack Kairouan A/F. Ftrs spt Allied ground forces being pushed back from Faid-Sidi bou Zid area to position at Sbeitla, Kasserine, and Feriana. Enemy troops, vehicles, gun positions, and tanks are repeatedly attacked. Ftrs hit similar tgts in Gafsa-Bou Hamran area.


Ninth AF

DATF is established with Gen Strickland as CG. Whereas Desert Air Task Force HQ, organized 22 Oct 42, controlled USAMEAF tac operations in the Western Desert, this new organization, with HQ at Tripoli, supervises, operationally and administratively, all of Ninth AF W of, and including, Marble Arch. In addition the CG is cmdr of all US troops in the area. Col Hugo P Rush succeeds Gen Timberlake as CO of IX BC, which begins functioning from its new station at Bengasi. B-24's attack harbor at Naples, scoring direct hits on 2 vessels. British Army groundforces resume operations toward Mareth Line as weather improves.


Tenth AF

For second consecutive day HB strikes against bridge at Myitnge cause little damage.


Fifth AF

B-17's again bomb town of Rabaul and hit area nearby W of Simpson Harbor. A single HB attacks Rapopo A/F. B-24's pound shipping and town area at Amboina. B-25's attack town and A/F of Dili and pound supply dumps at Malahang. B-24's operating singly bomb runway at Finschhafen, and claim direct hit on vessel in Stettin Bay.


Thirteenth AF

B-26's, P-39's, and P-40's attack Vila A/F. B-24's, hindered by effective AA fire, bomb A/Fs at Kahili and on Ballale I. 2 B-24's are lost.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn B-24 is soon called off due to weather. All other missions canceled. 6 float-type enemy aircraft bomb and strafe Amchitka, hitting runway and inflicting casualties.


Eighth AF

65 HBs hit locks and U-boat base at Saint-Nazaire. Unsuccessful air-to-air bombing attempt is made by German ftrs. 8 aircraft are lost during mission.


Twelfth AF

B-25's on shipping strike abort due to weather. Other XII BC operations are canceled. A-20's, in spt of hard-pressed Allied ground forces, bomb gun positions W of Sidi bou Zid. Ftrs fly repeated strafing missions against troops and vehicles in Gafsa area.


Ninth AF

During 16/17 Feb, RAF Liberators, under IX BC, bomb Heraklion A/F. British Eighth Army's 7th Armd Div drives into Ben Gardane, outpost of Mareth Line.



Soviet Army takes Kharkov, stronghold of German line in S Russia since Oct 41.


Tenth AF

18 P-40's hit T/Os in Nsopzup and Hpunkizup areas.


Fifth AF

B-25's bomb Malahang A/F and strafe T/Os on Salamaua peninsula. B-17's bomb warehouse at Ubili.



Adm Mason becomes CO MAIRSOLS with cmd of all aircraft in the Solomons.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn airplane flies over Kiska, Attu, Agattu, the Semichis, and Buldir. 5 HBs, 6 MBs, 6 P-38's, and 1 MB photo airplane take off for Kiska but do not attack due to weather. 1 P-40, accompanying several P-38's on Amchitka ftr patrol, lands on Amchitka strip. An afternoon patrol of 7 P-40's and 1 transport aircraft also land at the strip which is now safe for limited operations.


Twelfth AF

Twelfth AF and other organizations of Allied AF are transferred to NAAF which supplants Allied AF. NAAF, in turn, becomes part of MAC, a new air cmd which comes into existence on this date with ACM Tedder as cmdr. MAC also includes Middle East Air Cmd (later RAF, Middle East) and Malta Air Cmd (later RAF, Malta). NAAF CG is Gen Spaatz. Over 40 B-17's bomb Elmas A/F. B-25's and B-26's hit Sardinian A/Fs of Villacidro and Decimomannu. Ftrs escort bmrs and spt ground forces in Sbeitla Kasserine-Feriana area. The ftrs, along with A-20's, attack and destroy numerous tanks, trucks, and other vehicles moving against hard-pressed British First Army forces.


Fifth AF

B-24's operating individually, strike Gasmata A/F and Pondo Harbor, Babo, and sawmill at Ubili.


Thirteenth AF

P-39's join Navy ftrs and dive bmrs in strike against Munda A/F. Single B-24's bomb Nusave I, and A/Fs on Ballale I and at Kahili.


Eleventh AF

Weather cancels all missions and also laying of mat at Amchitka airstrip.



HQ NAAF is set up (under Gen Spaatz) and 6 principal subordinate cmds are specified; NATAF, NASAF, NACAF, NATC, NAASC, and NW African Photo Rcn Wg.


Twelfth AF

Weather cancels bmr missions. Ftrs provide direct spt for British First Army in Sbeitla-Kasserine-Feriana areas.


Fifth AF

B-25's bomb Barar area and unsuccessfully attack shipping off Dili. Individual B-24's bomb Finschhafen landing ground and Madang area, and unsuccessfully attack shipping off Cape Gloucester and Cape Orford.


Thirteenth AF

B-24's pound A/F at Munda. B-17's attack Kahili area and shipping nearby.


Eleventh AF

Weather rcn B-24 determines 3 ships at Attu to be friendly. P-40's on local patrol over Amchitka encounter and shoot down 2 ftrs.


Twelfth AF

Weather prevents bmr operations. Ftrs and LBs of XII A Spt Cmd are grounded and unable to spt ground forces as enemy opens attack on Kasserine with inf and tanks supported by arty.


Ninth AF

B-25's bomb Gabes W area through heavy clouds.


Tenth AF

Ftrs dive-bomb a Japanese HQ at Hpunkizup and afterwards strafe rail defile S of Meza, burying about 100 ft of track. 5 B-25's bomb rail terminal at Sagaing.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb shipping and seaplane base between Buin and Faisi and at Ballale I, and hit Kahili A/F. A-20's bomb and strafe forces in Butibum and Angari areas. B-24's carry out single-plane attacks against shipping at Salamaua, off Cape Gloucester, and at Gasmata.


Eleventh AF

Weather cancels all missions except limited weather rcn.


Twelfth AF

Weather again severely limits operations. A handful of P-39's strafe trucks and half-tracks in Kasserine area as enemy breaks through Kasserine Pass and thrusts N and W toward Thala and Tebessa.


Ninth AF

During 19/20 Feb, RAF Liberators bomb Heraklion and Kastelli/Pediada A/F. B-24's bomb Crotone, Naples, Amantea, Palmi, Nicotera, and Rosarno.


Tenth AF

17 P-40's bomb factory, oil tanks, and railroad tracks at Sahmaw. 13 B-24's attack Gokteik Viaduct but fail to damage the structure.


Fifth AF

B-17's bomb landing strips at Kahili and at Ballale I, and Gasmata A/F.


Thirteenth AF

B-17's and Navy PBY's bomb Ballale I and Kahili. B-24's pound Vila. During 19/20 Feb and day strikes, P-39's and Navy airplanes attack Munda area, hitting A/F and nearby Lambeti and Munda Pt.


Seventh AF

3 B-24's, from Canton I, photograph Makin, Abaiang, and Tarawa, and attack shipping at Tarawa.


Eleventh AF

Rcn over Kiska finds weather favorable. Therefore 5 B-24's, 7 B-25's and 8 P-38's take off. The ftrs blast Main Camp area. The bmrs bomb North Head, Camp area, and runway.



WDAF passes under operational control of NATAF; AAF gps of WDAF remain under administrative control of Ninth AF. B-25's hit Gafsa railroad yards. Weather foils 3 attempts by P-39's and Spitfires to furnish spt to ground forces battling enemy drive N and W of Kasserine Pass. Only 2 P-39's are able to reach the enemy and strafe tanks and trucks.


Ninth AF

93d Bomb Gp is relieved from duty with Ninth AF in the ME for return to duty with Eighth AF in UK."


Fifth AF

B-24's bomb harbor and shipping at Amboina. A-20's bomb and strafe several occupied villages and tracks throughout Mubo Komiatum-Salamaua region.


Thirteenth AF

Thirteenth AF ftrs and others (USN, USMC, and RNZAF) from Guadalcanal provide air spt as 43d Div lands in Russell Is to begin the long push up the Solomons toward Rabaul. SWPA forces had aided by bombing A/Fs in Buin, Kahili, and Ballale areas preceding the invasion (see Fifth AF, 19 and 20 Feb)."


Eleventh AF

Weather prevents all flying from Adak. Amchitka-based ftrs patrol Kiska.



A-20's and ftrs, flying close spt to ground forces, aid in repulsing FM Rommel's drive toward Thala and Tebessa. At 1915 the enemy begins general withdrawal toward Kasserine. B-17's bomb Kasserine Pass while B-25's hit nearby bridge. Escorting P-38's strafe retreating troops. Other B-25's hit Gafsa railway yards.


Tenth AF

During 22/23 Feb, 10 B-24's mine Gulf of Martaban between Pagoda Pt and mouth of Rangoon R. 24 US and RAF Liberators fly diversionary strike against city of Rangoon and Mingaladon A/F.


Fifth AF

B-25's pound Lae area while to the S A-20's hit forces at Buibuining, Waipali, Guadagasal, and along trails in the surrounding areas. A single B-17 bombs Lae, and a B-24 hits Lorengau A/F.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's, P-39's, and Navy aircraft hit Rekata Bay area and barges in Sambi Bay.


Eleventh AF

16 bmrs and 8 ftrs abort Kiska attack mission due to weather.



B-25's attack shipping N of Cap Bon, claiming 1 vessel sunk. B-17's bomb Kairouan A/F and hit troops retreating through Kasserine Pass. B-25's and B-26's hit Kasserine Pass and bridge nearby. A-20's and ftrs also attack retreating columns in Kasserine area.


Ninth AF

B-24's attack Messina ferry slip, scoring several direct hits and leaving tgt area burning. During the late evening B-25's hit Arram in the Mareth Line.


Tenth AF

46 Japanese bmrs and ftrs are intercepted over Chabua A/F by P-40's. In running battle the P-40's claim at least 14 planes shot down. 8 P-40's knock out railroad bridge W of Myitkyina. Several HBs attack bridge at Myitnge; the strike fails to damage the structure itself but batters the S approach.


Fifth AF

A-20's continue to pound occupied villages and trails in Buibuining-Waipali and Guadagasal-Mubo areas. B-25's bomb and strafe Angari and Yangla. B-17's bomb town and harbor area of Rabaul.


Eleventh AF

Over Kiska 17 bmrs and 8 ftrs bomb Main Camp area while an F-5A flies a photo mission.


Eighth AF

Gen Eaker, CG, is advised by WD of CCS decision to employ his ftr units primarily in an offensive role in spt of bmrs.



B-17's bomb Kairouan A/F. B-25's sink several barges NE of Cap Bon. B-26's and B-17's bomb enemy columns in Kasserine Pass and hit town of Kasserine, while B-25's attack highway traffic near Sbeitla. A-20's and ftrs hit motor transport in wide area around Kasserine and Sbeitla.


Tenth AF

P-40's knock out S span of railroad bridge NE of Pinbaw.


Fifth AF

A-20's continue to attack forces at Guadagasal Saddle, Waipali, trails from Waipali to Guadagasal Saddle and Mubo, and in area of Waria R mouth. B-25's pound Lae, Angari, Yangla, Malahang landing strip, and smaller villages in the area. B-17's again hit shipping at Rabaul. B-24's continue single-plane harassing strikes on shipping and A/Fs in coastal areas of Portuguese and NE New Guinea and in Solomon Sea off Cape Saint George.


Thirteenth AF

B-24's bomb Kahili and Faisi."


Eleventh AF

All except one mission of 4 P-40's, to Kiska, are called off. The P-40's make no contacts, however.



RAF starts round-the-clock operations against the enemy from UK.



B-17's bomb El Aouina A/F. Ftrs and A-20's hit troops and military traffic in Thala-Kasserine-Sbeitla areas and along Gafsa-Feriana road. Other ftrs carry out widespread rcn and patrol missions. British First Army and US troops of II Corps occupy Kasserine Pass.


Ninth AF

During 24/25 Feb, B-24's bomb Naples harbor and Crotone. B-25's attack motor transport on Arram road."


Tenth AF

Ftrs from Dinjan dive-bomb bridge 10 mi W of Myitkyina. A single span is knocked out and another damaged. HBs again fail to damage Myitnge bridge. More than 40 Japanese airplanes attack Dinjan A/F; 32 intercepting P-40's claim at least 9 aircraft shot down.


Fifth AF

A-20's again bomb and strafe forces at Guadagasal Saddle and vicinity. HBs continue to attack shipping, A/F, and town area at Rabaul. Gasmata A/F is also bombed.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's, P-40's, and F-4U's sweep Kahili area.


Eleventh AF

4 P-40's sweep Kiska. 6 B-24's and 5 B-25's bomb Main Camp and North Head areas.


Eighth AF

65 HBs bomb U-boat yards and naval base at Wilhelmshaven. Docks and surrounding areas are also hit. This mission is originally intended for Bremen but strikes Wilhelmshaven because primary tgt is obscured by clouds. Germans attempt air-to-air bombing by ftr aircraft and use of parachute-bombs fired by arty."


Twelfth AF

Gen Doolittle assumes cmd of XII BC.



B-17's, with P-38 escort, attack docks and shipping at Bizerte after Wellingtons hit same tgt the previous night. Ftrs hit trucks in Pichon-Ousseltia area and fly numerous rcn missions. Von Arnim's 5th Panzer Army opens offensive on broad front toward Bedja and Medjez el Bab.


Ninth AF

Gen Montgomery sets 20 Mar as D-Day for attack on Mareth Line. P-40's carry out FB missions as ground forces maintain pressure on enemy along coast and on Gabes road. B-25's attack roads and motor transport in Arram area during 26/27 Feb.


Tenth AF

Dinjan-based P-40's hit bridge NE of Pinbaw, destroying a span and damaging other parts of the bridge."


Fifth AF

A-20's hit Buibuining-Waipali area while a single B-17 bombs A/Fs at Lae and Salamaua. B-17's and B-24's bomb A/F at Gasmata, other B-17's attack shipping and A/F at Wewak and a single B-17 attacks shipping in Hixon and Open Bays.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's and Navy aircraft hit Vila during 25/26 Feb.


Eighth AF

60 HBs strike U-boat pens, port, and naval facilities at Brest.



B-17's bomb Cagliari area and ships N of Capo d'Orlando. Wellingtons hit Bizerte. Ftrs fly sweeps and rcn, attacking ground forces at points along battleline, including Medjez el Bab area where enemy adv is being halted.


Ninth AF

P-40's fly top cover, strafing, and FB missions against positions along Mareth Line.


Tenth AF

24 P-40's bomb and strafe Waingmaw. Direct hits are scored on warehouse and fuel and ammo dump.


Fifth AF

B-25's hit Japanese occupied villages in Labu area. B-17's, operating individually, strafe schooner off Matiu Pt and bomb Finschhafen A/F.


Thirteenth AF

P-40's and P-38's join Navy airplanes in attack on small vessels off Vella Lavella I. Hits are claimed on 2 vessels.


Eleventh AF

6 B-24's, 6 B-25's, and 4 P-38's bomb and strafe Main Camp area. On return trip, weather airplane flies rcn and makes bombing and strafing run on Attu and nearby barges with negative results.



Ftrs and FBs hit troops, tanks, and motor transport along Tunisian battleline SW of Mateur, at Sidi Nsir near Pont-du-Fahs, NE of Bedja, and in Goubellat area.


Tenth AF

P-40's from Dinjan knock out bridge near Kazu and bomb and strafe Nsopzup. 6 B-25's from Kunming, with ftr escort, bomb storage area at Mangshih. 8 B-25's from Ondal hit Thazi railroad junction.


Fifth AF

A lone B-17 bombs Lae A/F.


Thirteenth AF

P-38's and Navy aircraft attack Vila A/F. B-24's bomb Kahili A/F and hit Ballale I.


Eleventh AF

Rcn is flown over Kiska, Buldir, Semichis, Attu, and Agattu, with negative results. 6 B-24's and 6 B-25's bomb Main Camp area.

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