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Armoured Vehicles in the Pacific War

Alvis-Straussler Armoured Cars in the Netherlands East Indies
The Use of Armoured Vehicles on Borneo, 1941-1942
British Armoured Units in the Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
Vickers-Carden-Loyd Light Tanks in the Netherlands East Indies
Chinese Nationalist Armour in World War II
100th Indian Independent Light Tank Squadron, Malaya 1942
The Japanese Armoured Units in the Dutch East Indies 1941-1942
Japanese Armoured Units on Java Island, 1942
Dutch (KNIL) Armoured Units in the Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
Japanese Armoured Units on Timor Island, 1942
Marmon-Herrington Armoured Cars
Marmon-Herrington Tanks
Marmon-Herrington tanks: The Dutch Connection
Marmon-Herrington military vehicles in service: the Netherlands

Bibliography . Article List
Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942


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