This is a battlepack for Sid Meier's Gettysburg by RVince D. It includes a new map, soldiers, buildings & other graphics. There is 1 full battle scenario. To install: (unless you are short of hard disk space) make a copy of your Gettysburg folder and rename it as Metz1870SMG. Unzip into the Metz1870SMG folder with "Overwrite Existing Files" checked. Say "yes" if asked to overwrite any read only files. If your operating system is using the default of "hide common extensions" you will not see ".exe" etc. Make a shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on lee.exe, "send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut)". When you have had enough Metz1870SMG, delete the Metz1870SMG folder & shortcut, no need to restore. Choose historical on the options screen if you wish to ensure a programmed scenario & otherwise to include battles generated by 1 of the 3 randomization lines. Graeme 13 Nov 09 - Maps for "play the battle" included.