This is Gary Jones' Wilderness, 5 & 6 May 1864. I have added new buildings and extra sites to increase random playability and corrected a typo. Please post any comments and requests and find more at the Gettysburg Online Society Forum: To install: (unless you are short of hard disk space) make a copy of your Gettysburg folder and rename it as "WildernessSMG". Unzip into the WildernessSMG folder with "Overwrite Existing Files" & "use folder names" checked. Make a shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on lee.exe, "send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut)". When you have had enough Wilderness, delete the WildernessSMG folder & shortcut, no need to restore. 17 September 10 Some scenarios have been slightly edited. Trees from SMA & a new forest ground texture give a denser forest. The map has been edited to have more marsh to slow movement across the wilderness. Opening screens have been added. A set of dialog files allows play of all the historical scenarios as a series. Opening and evening videos have been replaced with empty ones. Artillery in OOBs have been edited so they don't have the same numbers as other units. Graeme