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Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197

Folio 127r. Matthew of Ajello embraces his two wives. /
Matthew of Ajello bathes his feet in the blood of a child to treat gout.

Matteo d'Aiello abbracciato alle sue due mogli. / Lo stesso mentre si bagna i piedi nel sangue di un fanciullo per curare la podagra.
'Matthew of Ajello embraces his two wives. / Matthew of Ajello bathes his feet in the blood of a child to treat gout'

Previous: Empress Constance imprisoned in the Castle of the Saviour in Naples at the behest of Matthew of Ajello.
Next: The Empress Constance released at the intersession of Pope Celestine III. / Constance leaves for Germany.
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