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Mosaner Psalter, 1150-1160AD
Herod orders the massacre of the innocents
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Nr. 78 A 6.

Mosaner Psalter-Fragment : [vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Original format des Codex 78 A 6 aus dem Kupferstichkabinett der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin].
The original is in the State Museum of Prussia, Berlin.
This facsimile - Graz : Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1974-[1975]. 2v.
Commentary: Hanns Swarzenski
This fragment offers an example of a Romanesque picture Bible.
The manuscript is embellished with gold and comprises an illustrated cycle with scenes from both the Old and the New Testaments.
The illustrations were made by anonymous masters and represent a combination of different techniques, pen drawing and opaque colour painting.
But scholars believe that one single master may have been in charge of artistic aspects and planned the overall design being essentially responsible for the production of the work.
This fragment is regarded as extremely important in terms of theology, iconography and history of style.
Some compositional elements of the miniatures show late classical, paleo-Christian patterns of Italy as well as influences from the Carolingian and Ottonian traditions.
Source: The University of Arizona Library, Special Collections
Held by Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
See also 12th century German soldiers in the Admont Bible, Salzburg, c.1140
King Saul Falls on his Sword, Worms Bible, Germany, c.1148
Other 12th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers