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Pintures murals de la conquesta de Mallorca, 1285-1290
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Christian knights in their suits of chain mail surround James the Conqueror, King of Aragon, as he prepares for the conquest of Mallorca.
The tent situated to the left of the King’s, with the horizontal red stripes, is that of the Count of Empurias Hug V d’Empúries, who is found conversing with the Aragonese knight Pero Maça de Sangarrén. They are shown separated from the other group and the King. This representation being true to the accounts which tell of the Count d’Empúries’ disagreement with King James I. The royal tent of yellow and red. James I is depicted in the foreground, represented in the centre of a group of knights. On James I's left stand three representatives, one of which has been identified as Nunó Sanç, count of Roselló. To his right is King Guilabert de Cruïlles, wearing a red helmet with a white cross and his hand resting on the knee of King James I. Next is the bishop of Barcelona wearing his mitre, and to his side the knight Ramon de Centells

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