Fresque de l'église Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets
XIIIe siècle (départ à la croisade)
Departure of the knights for the second crusade (1146-1148), France, early 13th century

A larger image of this Fresque de l'église Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets, Loire Valley, France.

Thibaut de Montmorency

Thibaut de Montmorency, (son of Bouchard IV de Montmorency), went on the 2nd crusade in 1147.
The entry for Thibaut de Montmorency in Galeries historiques du Palais de Versailles p126

Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets est une commune française située dans le département de Loir-et-Cher en région Centre-Val de Loire.
Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets is a French commune in the Loir-et-Cher department in central France, Loire Valley.

L'église de St Jacques des Guérets est une humble petite église de campagne. Elle a été construite au 12 è siècle, sur la rive gauche du Loir, là où passaient de nombreux pélerins en route vers St Jacques de Compostel.
The church of St Jacques des Guérets is a humble small country church. It was built in the 12th century, on the left of the Loir, where many pilgrims passed en route to Santiago de Compostela.
More frescos at l'église Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets

Note 1, p64, Claverley Church And Its Wall-Paintings by Philip Mainwaring Johnston, 1903.
1 In the church of St. Jacques-des-Guerets, Loir-et-Cher, is a fragment of early thirteenth century decoration, the motif of which is curiously similar to the Claverley painting. It consists of a row of mounted knights, separated by conventional trees, some mere scrollwork, others having thick stems and masses of foliage. The knights bear shields emblazoned with coats of arms, and lances with pennons in rest; their horses are richly caparisoned. In this case, however, the picture is a semi-religious one. The leader of the knights is St. George himself, and his companions are crusaders - their names inscribed over them: S: GEORGIVS, hVGO . DE . . . . , MATHEVS : etc. They are advancing to the rescue of some Christians who have been imprisoned and maltreated by the infidels. Our Lord is shown appearing in the prison to a captive Christian.

The entry in Dictionnaire de saint Jacques et Compostelle By Denise Péricard-Méa, Louis Mollaret:
  - Saint-Jacques-des-Guérets
  (Loir-et-Cher, ar. Vandôme, c. Montoire-sur-le-Loir)
L'église est mentionnée sous ce vocable en 1150. Au XVe siècle ont lieu au village deux foires aux deux fêtes de saint Jacques, 1er mar et 25 juillet. L'église conserve aujourd'hui une série de fresques du XIIe siècle, dont l'une, partiellement disparue, montre le Christ transmettant à saint Jacques la verge symbole de ses pouvoirs de guérison (seul un œil averti peut a lire convenablement). Une fresque du XIIIe siècle, intacte, représente la décollation de saint Jacques.
The church is mentioned under this title in 1150. In the fifteenth century took place in the village two fairs on the two feasts of St. James, 1 March and 25 July. The church retains a series of twelfth-century frescoes, including one partially disappeared, showing Christ passing to St. James the symbol rod of his healing powers (only a trained eye could have read properly). A fresco from the thirteenth century, intact, represents the beheading of St. James.

See also Medieval face-mask and transitional helmets.
Other 13th Century Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers

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