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The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX
or Maciejowski Bible
or The Bible of Shah Abbas
Ms Morgan 638, folio 18v

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Boaz Must Send Ruth Away:
Boaz cannot marry Ruth in good faith while another kinsman, a closer relation of her mother-in-law's, has legal rights to Naomi's property. In the meantime, Boaz gives Ruth six measures of barley, which she brings home to her mother-in-law. Naomi advises Ruth to be patient and await the outcome. (Ruth 3:14–18)
A Settlement:
Boaz speaks with his kinsman and six elders concerning the matter of Naomi's property and Ruth. If the kinsman purchases the property, he must take Ruth to wife. Realizing that such a union would disinherit the rest of his family, the kinsman yields his privilege to Boaz. Following tradition, the kinsman removes his shoe before the assembly, a signal that he has officially relinquished his right. Boaz and the elders, all richly appareled, wear conical Jewish caps. (Ruth 4:3–8)
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