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The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX
or Maciejowski Bible
or The Bible of Shah Abbas
Ms Morgan 638, folio 21r
Morgan Maciejowski Bible f.21r, Detail of upper register

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Samuel's Prophecy Fulfilled:
Samuel's prophecy of the doom of the house of Eli is fulfilled with terrible consequences—thirty thousand men are killed. The Israelites are routed and massacred by the Philistines. The wicked sons of Eli lie slain by arrow and sword beneath the hooves of retreating horses. (1 Samuel 4:5–11)
All is Lost:
The Ark of the Covenant is captured and borne away by victorious Philistines. (1 Samuel 4:11)
Eli's Death:
A Benjamite messenger arrives in Shiloh with news of the Israelites' defeat. When Eli learns of his sons' deaths and the loss of the Ark of the Covenant, he is overwhelmed by shock and grief. He swoons backwards in his chair, breaks his neck, and dies. The people of Shiloh emerge from the city gate, expressing great dismay and grief. (1 Samuel 4:12–18)
Dagon Dismembered:
The Ark of the Covenant will bring no peace to the pagan Philistines. In their city of Ashdod, they set the Ark upon the altar of their god Dagon, and his image breaks in half. (1 Samuel 5:2–5)
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