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A Muslim Horseman, Silk Hanging, Spain, 13th century

A larger image of this Muslim Horseman, Silk Hanging, Spain, 13th century.
Detail of silk hanging. A Kufic script inscription encloses a design motif of a horseman.
An example of an Islamic textile that became a treasure of the Christian church.
Country of Origin: Spain.
Culture: Islamic.
Date/Period: 13th century.
Place of Origin: Barcelona. Material: Silk.
Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive / Museum of Art, Cleveland
Referenced as fragments from the Bishop Gurb textile. Figure 3. Celestial hunt, Museo Archeologicao Nacional, Madrid, in "A Treasure from a Thirteenth-Century Spanish Tomb" by Dorothy G. Shepherd, in The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Vol. 65, No. 4 (April, 1978), pp. 111-134
Other Spanish and North African Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Illustrations of 13th century Costume & Soldiers