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Goliath as a French Knight
Bible, Thott Ms.7, Konegelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen
p.41, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
67 'Goliath', Bible, Paris, c.1300
(Royal Library, Thott Ms.7, f.1r, Copenhagen, Denmark)
The Philistine once again wears a brimmed chapel-de-fer war-hat.
This probably enabled an artist to show David's sling-shot embedded in the giant's head.
He also wears a mail coif, hauberk and chausses under the broad, smock-like surcoat which had come into fashion in some parts of Europe.
Thott MS 7 is the second volume, containing Psalms to Apocalypse, of a two-volume work of which the first volume with much of the Old Testament is missing.
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