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Selected illustrations from
‘Fleur des Histoires de la Terre d’Orient’ by Hayton (Hetoum) of Armenia.
A copy of the 1307 manuscript made in Catalonia, 1st Quarter of the 14th century.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Nouvelle acquisition française 886

bataille de darbsâk (1266)
f. 25r, Darbsâk (Terbezek, Trapessac. Turkish: Darbı Sak Kalesi) was reoccupied by Hetoum I of Armenia in 1261 after the Mongols captured it in their invasion of Syria.
After the defeat of the Armenian army at the Battle of Mari in 1266, Hetoum agreed to surrender the fortress to the Mamluks to ransom his son Leo.

assassinat de tegüder
f.29r, Execution of Nikola Tekuder Khan by Arghun, 1284.

arrivée de hayton à episcopia
f.37r, Arrival of Hetoum in Episcopia, southern Italy

hayton et clément 5
f.38v, Hetoum and Pope Clement V
Title : HAYTON, Fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient.
Publication date : 1301-1400
Copyist : Nicolaus Johannes de Tullo.
Patron : Rocaberti Pany Ballera, Don Diego.
Type : manuscript
Language : french
Format : Parchemin. - 55 feuillets à 2 colonnes. - 300 x 210x 35 mm. - Demi-reliure
Description : Ms. B de l'édition des Historiens arméniens, tome II. — A la fin, le nom du copiste : « Nic[olaus] Joh[annes] de Tullo. » Miniatures au bas de chaque page et en haut l'écu de Cabrera. — Au bas du fol. 1, la mention : « Es de don Diego de Rocaberti Pan y Ballera. »
[Ms. B of the edition of the Armenian Historians, volume II. - At the end, the name of the copyist: "Nic[olaus] Joh[annes] de Tullo". Miniatures at the bottom of each page and at the top the arms of Cabrera. - At the bottom of folio 1, the mention: 'It is from Don Diego de Rocaberti Pan y Ballera.']
Rights : public domain
Identifier : ark:/12148/btv1b6000425w
Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Nouvelle acquisition française 886.
Auteur, titre : hayton, fleur des histoires d'orient
Nom de pays : espagne
Origine : catalogne
Siècle : 14ème siècle
Date : 1er quart
Source:, Nouvelle acquisition française 886.
A later manuscript is referenced as fig. 42 CILICIAN ARMENIAN MEN-AT-ARMS, 14th CENTURY in Armies of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Ian Heath
Figure 42 comes from a French edition of 1375 of the ‘Fleur des Histoires de la Terre d’Orient’ by Hetoum, prince of Corycus, written in 1307.
He wears a mail corselet, a light-coloured surcoat, leather gauntlets, a bascinet with movable visor, and greaves over red hose.
See also Armenian soldiers in Pseudo-Callisthenes’ History of Alexander the Great, ca. 1300–1325. San Lazzaro, Mekhitarist Library, V424, Venice
Armenian soldiers in an Armenian Gospels of Cilician Armenia, 1320AD, Matenadaran Collection MS7651
Other 14th Century illustrations of Costume and Soldiers