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Fresco in the Castle-Convent of the Knights of Calatrava, Alcaņiz, Teruel, Spain, 1325-1347AD.
James I, King of Aragon, enters Valencia, conquered from the Moors (October 9, 1238).

A larger image of James I, King of Aragon, enters Valencia, conquered from the Moors. Fresco in the Castle-Convent of the Knights of Calatrava, Alcaņiz, Teruel, Spain, 13th Century.
Picture source.
Entrance of the king on horseback in the city of Valencia, conquered from the Moors.
Fresco in the castle of Alcaņiz.
Castle-Convent of the Knights of Calatrava, Alcaņiz, Spain (1325-1347)
Referenced on p136, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle.
342A-B Muslim troops in Valencia, wall-painting, Aragón, late 13th/early 14th centuries
(in situ Castle, Alcaņiz, Spain)
Relatively few Spanish wall-paintings specifically illustrate Muslim Andalusian warriors. Here, however, the garrison of Valencia is seen surrendering to James I, King of Aragon, in 1238. They are shown wearing conical helmets and mail coifs one of which (B) covers most
of the face. This figure might also wear some stylised form of lamellar or scale cuirass.
The left side of The Army of James I, King of Aragon, enters Valencia, conquered from the Moors. Fresco in the Castle-Convent of the Knights of Calatrava, Alcaņiz, Teruel, Spain, 13th Century.
See also The wall paintings of El Partal, Alhambra, Spain, early 14th Century. Also known as the Torre de las Damas
Effigies on the Sepulchre of Ardčvol, Chapel of Corpus Christi, palace of the Marquis de La Floresta, Tarrega (Urgell), Catalonia, Spain, 2nd half of the 14th century. Museo Nazionale di Arte della Catalogna MNAC 122009.
Other Spanish and North African Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Other 14th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers