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A Handgunner from Konrad Kyeser's military treatise 'Bellifortis', 1405

A larger image of a Handgunner from Konrad Kyeser's military treatise 'Bellifortis', 1405.
Manuscript: Göttinger MS Philos. 63 Bellifortis
Folio: 105v
Dating: 1405
From: Germany
Holding Institution: University of Göttingen Library
Source: Manuscript Miniatures
An extract from Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath
This figure from Konrad Kyeser's military treatise 'Bellifortis' of 1405, depicts such a gun.
The equipment of Rouen's English garrison in 1435 included 29 culverins that are described as ad manum plus tripods and other stands for them,
probably such as that shown here.
Note the firing stance, with the iron-shod butt of the gunstock braced against the ground.
A Pavise from Konrad Kyeser's military treatise 'Bellifortis', 1405.
Handgunners in Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath
Other 15th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers