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The brass of William Fynderne esquire, c.1444
Childrey Church, Berkshire, England

Source: Darvill's Rare Prints

"Here lye William Fynderne esquire and Dame Elizabeth his wife and formerly wife to John Kyngeston knight.
The aforesaid William died on the 13th day of the month of March in the 1444th year of the Lord and the said Elizabeth died on the .......... day of the month of ......... in our Lords year .............. On their souls may God have mercy Amen".
Round the edge is written (in latin) "A most excellent gentleman, a man well versed in law and signally trustworthy is here underneath laid to rest.
William Fynderne he was called and venerated he was. In his accusations he was never defeated and in his councel unerring and solid.
Nature had made him happy with freely awarded gifts and destiny uplifted him showering upon him fortuitous endowments.
What an outstanding learned and truthful wife had fate bestowed on him - Elizabeth Kyngeston, here she has her ultimate low abode,
one and the same armoured cavern has admitted them both, this stone has pushed them down, this huge marble, may God have pity on them!
The slab covers their bones which may daily remind here of their souls now and forever.
The light of the day following on the feast of the blessed Gregory was hastening on and the said William's short life failed him 14 times 100 years had passed and almost 4 x 11 followed after.
Thou who approaches the altars on thy hurrying feet let flow forth loving prayers ! May these 2 be in company of the heavenly saints !
If they have hurt anyone or have in anyway ill deserved yet stand by them Christ so they may enjoy your peace, Amen"
The brass is thought have been laid in Elizabeth's lifetime - the date of her death never being inserted.
Source: jmc4 - Church Explorer
See also 12. WILLIAM FYNDERNE ESQUIRE d.1444, in Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath, based on this brass.
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