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'Siege of Gabala'
in Histoire d'Outremer by William of Tyre, Burgundian, Bruges, Belgium, c. 1480.
British Library, Royal MS 15 E I, fol. 116r.

A larger image of 'Siege of Gabala' in Histoire d'Outremer by William of Tyre, Burgundian, Bruges, Belgium, c. 1480. British Library, Royal MS 15 E I, fol. 116r.

Royal MS 15 E I
Date: c. 1479-c. 1480
Title: William of Tyre, Histoire d'Outremer
Contents: Histoire d'Outremer, or Livre d’Eracles, a history of the Crusades in French, based on Guillelmus, Archbishop of Tyre (b. 1130, d. c.1190), Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum, with a continuation to 1231.
f. 116r: Detail of a miniature of Godfrey of Bouillon and his army at the walls of Gabala.
Language: French, Middle
Material: Parchment.
Dimensions: 465 x 340mm (text space: 290 x 195mm)
Origin: Netherlands, S. (Bruges).
Provenance: Edward IV (b. 1442, d. 1483), king of England and lord of Ireland: the royal arms of England surmounted by a crowned helm and encircled by the Garter; a banner with the royal arms of England and a badge of the rose-en-soleil with the Yorkist motto 'Dieu et mon droit' (f. 16r); made for him in the Southern Netherlands (Bruges), probably c. 1479- c. 1480: record of payment to the foreign merchant Philip Maisertuell for books and record of books in the Great Wardrobe Accounts of 1480.
Source: British Library catalogues, Royal MS 15 E I
Attribution : Illuminator of Paris Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 82

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