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Battle of Issus (cassone panel)
by Apollonio di Giovanni, Italy, early 15th century

A larger image of the Battle of Issus (cassone panel) by Apollonio di Giovanni, Florence
Object type: marriage equipment; chest
Museum number: 1878,1101.195
Panel; wood; painted; from side of a marriage chest, cassone, designed to hold the bridal trousseau; depicts two incidents from the life of Alexander the Great:
Battle of Issus in 333BC, and aftermath of the conflict shown on left, with Darius' female relatives kneeling before Alexander;
designed to show Alexander's exemplary behaviour and submission of Darius' womenfolk.
Painted by: Apollonio di Giovanni
Date: 15thC (early)
Painted in: Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Materials: wood
Technique: painted
Dimensions: Length: 156 centimetres Width: 43.5 centimetres
Source: British Museum 1878,1101.195
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Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early to mid 15th Century