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The Girona Beatus Codex

Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, c.975AD
Girona Cathedral, Catalonia.

Jerusalem Besieged

Source: Asociación de Amigos del Arte Altomedieval Español
From inscriptions at the conclusion of the text, it is clear that the manuscript was commissioned by an Abbot Dominicus, and was completed on July 6, 975, most probably at the monastery at Tábara. The colophon of the book, folios 283v and 284r has the names of the artisans of the manuscript: The Senior copyist as well as illuminators, Emetrius (the student of Magius "fraternal Emetrius and presbiter") and illuminator (feminine) En or Ende.

This miniature illustrates a siege in which Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem. Jeremiah sits outside lamenting.

Other copies of Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana

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