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The San Miguel Beatus Codex
Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, c.960AD
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Ms 644
Folio 260r. Daniel: in Lions' Den

1) Daniel: in Lions' Den (Bel and Dragon, 31, 36-38) -- Nimbed angel holding scepter, carrying Habakkuk, decorated nimbus, holding bowl; Daniel, decorated nimbus, orant, flanked by two lions licking his feet; inscription LACUS LEONUM UBI DANIEL FUIT MISSUS ET ABBACUC PORTANS ILLI PRANDIUM;

A larger image of 'Darius the Mede: Sleep troubled', San Miguel Beatus Codex, Beatus of Liébana, Spain
2) Darius the Mede: Sleep troubled (Daniel 6:18) -- Darius nimbed, lying on bed flanked by bodyguard each armed with spear and shield; inscription REX INCENATUS PRO DANIELO DOLENS SOMNUM FUIT AB OCULIS EIUS.
Illustration for Jerome, In Danielem.
Source: The Morgan Library & Museum
Accession Number: MS M.644
Author/Artist: Beatus, Saint, Presbyter of Liebana, d. 798.
Uniform Title: In Apocalipsin
Title: Commentary on the Apocalypse (MS M.644).
Published/Created: Spain, perhaps in Ta´bara, ca. 940-945.
Description: 2 v. (149, 151 leaves (2 columns, 34-35 lines), bound : vellum, ill. ; 385 x 280 mm
Language: Latin
Script: Visigothic minuscule
Notes: Ms. written and illuminated in Spain, perhaps in Ta´bara, ca. 940-945.
Texts: Beatus, Presbyter of Liebana, In Apocalipsin (fols. 1-233); Isidore of Seville, De adfinitatibus et gradibus (fols. 234-237); St. Jerome, Commentary on Daniel (fols. 238v-292v); an anonymous discussion of the Apocalypse and comments on Beatus’s work (fols. 294-299).
Scribe: Maius.
Decoration: 68 full-page miniatures, 48 smaller miniatures; diagrams, colored initials, and ornaments; Spanish Mozarabic style.
Artist: Maius.
Executed for Abbot Victor of the Monastery of San Miguel de Escalada.
Source: The Morgan Library & Museum
Other copies of Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana