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The Urgell Beatus Codex

Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, c.975AD
Musei Diocesá de La Seu d’Urgell

Nebuchadnezzar’s Army Besieging Jerusalem

Illustrated Beatus manuscripts bring to life an extraordinary vision of the end of the world, as recorded by Saint John in the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) and filtered through the lens of Beatus of Liébana, an eighth-century Asturian monk.
Some manuscripts include St. Jerome’s Commentary on Daniel, which includes illustrations of "Nebuchadnezzar’s Army Besieges Jerusalem" and "Daniel in the Lions’ Den".

Back to the smaller image of Nebuchadnezzar’s Army Besieging Jerusalem, Urgell Beatus Codex, Beatus of Liébana, Spain, c.975AD.

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