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Illustrations from the:
Biblia de San Isidoro de Leon,
Biblioteca, Colegiata S. Isidoro, Leon, 960AD.
David and his Army

A larger image of David and his Army - Biblia de San Isidoro de Leon, Biblioteca, Colegiata S. Isidoro, Leon, 960AD.
The departure of David’s troops, to fight his son Absalom. Top of folio 138v. Note the wind-sock standard with animal head.
The Death of Absalom

Bottom of folio 138v.
El Archivo Capitular de la Colegiata de San Isidoro cuenta entre sus tesoros con una Biblia visigótico-mozárabe realizada por Florencio y Sancho en el año 960. Cuenta con 517 folios y ricas ilustraciones.
The Chapter Archive of San Isidoro Collegiate counts among its treasures a Visigothic-Mozarabic Bible by Florentius and Sanctius in 960. It has 517 pages and rich illustrations.
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