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Boethius Imprisoned and Tormented by Soldiers, Fleury, France, early 11th Century. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms Latin 6401.
Note the kite-shield.

A larger image of Boethius Imprisoned and Tormented by Soldiers, Fleury, France, early 11th Century. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms Latin 6401.
Mandragore, base des manuscrits enluminés de la BnF
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Division occidentale
Code : Latin 6401
a) Author/Title : Tables of calculations
Name of country : france
Century : 11th century
Images: fol. A and fol. 170
b) Author/Title : apuleius (pseudo-), ratio sphaerae
Name of country : france
Century : 11th century
Images: fol. B
c) Author/Title : radulphus leodiensis, epistolae
Name of country : france
Century : 11th century
Illuminations: fol. 1v, fol. 2 & fol. 3v
d) Author/Title : ragimboldus coloniensis, epistolae
Name of country : france
Century : 11th century
Illuminations: folios 2v, 3v, 4v, 6v, 7 & 8
e) Author/Title : boethius, philosophiae consolatio
Name of country : great britain
Origin : england
Century : 10th-11th century
Illuminations: fol. 5v & fol. 15
f) Author/Title : boethius, philosophiae consolatio
Name of country : france
Century : 11th century
Illuminations: fol. 13v, Allégorie de la Dialectique
g) Author/Title : boethius, de institutione arithmetica
Name of country : great britain
Origin : england
Century : 10th-11th century
Illuminations: 65 images from fol. 93 to fol. 158
h) Author/Title : boethius, quomodo trinitas unus deus ac non tres dii
Name of country : great britain
Origin : england
Century : 10th-11th century
Illuminations: fol. 158v & fol. 159
Title : 1.° Anicii Manlii Boëtii de consolatione philosophiae libri quinque : praemittuntur 1.° epitaphia Boëtii et uxoris ejus ; 2.° anonymus de variis metrorum generibus quae in libris de consolatione philosophiae occurrunt ; 3.° Radulfi , Leodiensis, et Ragimboldi , Coloniensis, epistolae mutuae de ratione trianguli. — 2.° Boëtii de arithmetica libri duo, ad Symmachum Patricium. — 3.° Oratio animae poenitentis. — 4.° Epitaphium Gauzlini, Archiepiscopi Bituricensis. — 5.° Narratio de quodam Monacho Cenomanensi, ad canonicam vitam converso. — 6.° Gunterii , Episcopi Cenomanensis, epistola ad Rodulfum, Episcopum Laudunensem.
Publication date : 1001-1200
Type : manuscript
Language : latin
Format : Parchments
Description : This manuscript was the subject of a leaflet under the MANNO project (Manuscripts noted in neumes in the West).
Description : Colbertinus
Rights : public domain
Identifier : ark:/12148/btv1b105096135
Source : Bibliothèque nationale de France. Département des manuscrits. Latin 6401
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France MANNO
Latin 6401
Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae – De institutione arithmetica (f. 15-158)
Parchment, A-B 175 f., 275 x 195 mm; justification 225 x 120, 25 lines. - Red morocco binding with Colbert coat of arms.
South of England, completed at Fleury, 10th-11th century.
History : Collection of the works of Boethius written and illuminated in England, but incomplete; brought before the start of the 11th century to [Abbaye de] Fleury [in Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire in north-central France], where it was glossed and noted. P. Stirnemann proposed that the manuscript could have been brought to Fleury by Abbon [died 1004AD] himself (Cf. Temple, Avril and Stirnemann). Collection of P. Daniel; bought by Colbert in 1674 from M. Chandelier.
Source: Sorbonne
Severinus Boethius (c. AD 480-525), a Roman of noble birth, was a philosopher and translator of classical Greek who served as consul to Theodoric, the Ostrogothic ruler of Italy.
Accused of siding with the Byzantines against the Ostrogoths, he was condemned to death.
Before his execution, he was imprisoned at Pavia, where he wrote De Consolatione Philosophiae (The Consolation of Philosophy).
Various early Romanesque manuscripts illuminated in Germany, France, and England depict the imprisonment of Boethius.
He is shown suffering at the hands of the guards, as in this image, but also consoled by Philosophy and the Muses in others.
He became a key figure in later medieval schools of thought and education.
His work forms the basis of the Quadrivium, the four mathematical branches of the seven liberal arts - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.
See also Carolingian Soldier with Kite Shield in the ornate letter at the start of Deuteronomy, Northern France, 976-1000AD. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 46.
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