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The Franks Casket / The Auzon Casket
The Lid
The Germanic Hero Egil

A larger image of the Lid, The Franks Casket / The Auzon Casket

The lid appears to depict an episode relating to the Germanic hero Egil and has the single label 'aegili' = 'Egil'.

Culture/period: Middle Anglo-Saxon
Date: 8th century (early)
Findspot: Found/Acquired: Auzon, Haute-Loire, Auvergne, France
Materials: whalebone
Technique: carved

Source: British Museum 1867,0120.1
Previous: Franks Casket - left side, Romulus and Remus nurtured by the wolf      Next: Franks Casket - right side (replica), a Germanic legend
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