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Trier Apocalypse
Carolingian, Tours, France, 1st quarter 9th century, Folio 47, Stadtbib. Cod. 31

A larger image of Trier Apocalypse, folio 47, Stadtbibliothek Trier Cod. 31.

Date: 9th century, 1st quarter
Number of sheets: 74
Writing material: parchment
Special features: Contains the Apocalypse of the New Testament. (so-called Trier Apocalypse) The script indicates in the circle of Tours. On each page a full-page, mostly coloured miniature. Pen and ink drawings, partly damaged, on folio 74v and after-page I. Script of several hands of the 9th century. Simple red and black initials.

Back to the Trier Apocalypse, Carolingian, Tours, France. Stadtbibliothek Cod. 31.

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