Eckmuhl, Aspern-Essling & Teugn-Hausen 1809 mods for Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle *********************************************** INSTALLATION *********************************************** I strongly recommend that this mod is seperately installed as there are many features specific to the 1809 Campaign. ie create a folder called 1809WNLB and copy or install a full copy of WNLB there. If you don't or can't do this you are going to have to back up a lot of files. If you can't do the above then back ups should be made for all the original files which are followed by * (see below) Note: If your operating system is set to the default of not displaying common file extensions, you will not see .exe, .zip or .bmp file extensions. The unusual .bag & .bm2 file extensions should be seen. DOWNLOAD ******** After downloading, you should have the following Zip files : or later plus Frenchsong02.wav, FrenchSong06.wav, FrenchSong12.wav from the "Penmod sounds & music" download (or see below). If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, see Extract these, in this order, with 'use folder names' and 'overwrite existing files' checked. Say "Yes" if asked to overwrite "read only" files. Copy Frenchsong02.wav, FrenchSong06.wav, FrenchSong12.wav to the new Music subfolder of sounds or edit each waterloo.ini file you use from: FrenchMarginalTune=18 FrenchTacticalTune=4 FrenchDecisiveTune=28 to: FrenchMarginalTune=3 FrenchTacticalTune=3 FrenchDecisiveTune=3 Note : you must have BagBoy to add the other Graphics files - if you don't have it you can find it at (see the ModInfo folder for a help file). Install BagBoy by doubleclicking on bagboy10.exe and following the install wizard prompts. Start the BagBoy utility by using its shortcut. Go to "File" and click on Open". A box will popup; in the bar entitled "Look in", navigate your way to the 1809WNLB/Graphics folder. The .bag files should now be listed in the window. Click on "WaterArmy.bag". Its contents will be listed in the window. [or you can start with WaterArmy.bag by double clicking on a WaterArmy.bag which will start its associated program "BagBoy"]. Go to "Archive" and click on "Add". A new box will popup; in the bar entitled "Look in", navigate your way to the WaterArmy sub folder of the Graphics folder. Choose BMP files from the drop down box. Select all the files by clicking on the 1st, scroll to the last, hold down the "shift" key and click on the last, and click on "Open". Close the .bag file. Run scenmapCopy.bat in the WaterAux subfolder in the Graphics folder by double-clicking on it. It produces copies of the scenario maps numbered for each scenario for Eckmuhl & Aspern-Essling. Add the files in the WaterAux subfolder to WaterAux.bag using BagBoy. Close the .bag file. Add the files in the WaterCmd subfolder to WaterCmd.bag using BagBoy. Close the .bag file. Add the BMP files in the WaterMap subfolder to WaterMap.bag using BagBoy. Close the .bag file. Copy & paste WaterMap.bag to the same folder to make a copy. Rename it WaterMapAspern.bag. Add the BMP file in the WaterMapAspern subfolder to WaterMapAspern.bag using BagBoy. Close the .bag file. Add the BMP files in the WaterMisc subfolder to WaterMisc using BagBoy. Close the .bag file. Delete Waterloo.exe. If you have WinXP or later: set the properties (right click) of Penmod.exe to Win98 compatability. The campaign number for Teugn-Hausen in the waterloo.ini file is "campaign=42' The campaign number for Eckmuhl in the waterloo.ini file is "campaign=40' The campaign number for Aspern-Essling in the waterloo.ini file is "campaign=41' Copy an .ini file from the appropriate sub folder of the ini folder to the 1809WNLB folder (or you can edit (using notepad) a waterloo.ini from another game (that uses Penmod.exe) that has your favourite settings). Run Penmod.exe in the 1809WNLB folder to run the game or make a shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on Penmod.exe, "send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut)". (Note: the 3 Austrian songs in Junot's Eckmuhl download turned out to be 3 copies of "God Save the Queen". Now included is "Kaiserquartett"). V2.1 Some soldier graphics have been repaired. The French Guard Grenadiers have been swapped for those from the Marengo mod & The Young guard for those from WNLB. German & Hungarian Grenadiers from Marengo have been added. 19 August 2009 Part of frame showing in Austrian Jager run & stand files eliminated. Hats edited. Correct name of AspernEssling JumpMap used in config file. 23/9/09 The Military Order of Marie Theresa replaces the Order of the Golden Fleece for Battle Details Screen (end game) in the graphics folder & WaterAux.bag for OOB screen. 13/1/10 French cavalry generals allocated uniforms to match the hats they have been given. Austrian Missing legs of Austrian Line run & Jager shoot files repaired. Some work on other soldier graphics. Austrian General in brown replaced by one in white. 14/1/10 Austrian, Bavarian, French & Wurtemburg Foot artillery rows reordered. Graphic for Austrian 9th Hussars swapped for one with red breeches. 24/1/10 4 more portraits added. Some Austrian infantry graphics upgraded to those from the version 5 Marengo Mod. A couple of these restore the ramming animation. More Austrian music added. 19/4/10 Correct campaign number for Teugn-Hausen used. Broken Terrain graphic changed to Marsh. Cannons from the version 5 Marengo Mod added. Gunner graphics revamped. Generals aligned vertically. "Russian" changed to "Austrian" in labels.txt French Royalist Regiment names deleted from Eckmuhl OoB. St Hilaire's Division all given light infantry ability. Bridges added to Eckmuhl map. Codes for artillery rejiged for EckmulOBF & 9lb label changed to 8lb. Extra Wurttemburg troops added to EckmulOBF. 2 Wurttemburg hat graphics added. Graphics for French 5th Hussars & Austrian 8th Hussars added. Cavalry graphics aligned & cleaned up. 31/12/10 New versions of availableflags.bmp, frozenflags.bmp, inactiveflags.bmp & outlineflag4.bmp added. Wurttemburg infantry graphics added. Wurttemburg line brigades & artillery added to OoB. New Pike-Grey Landwehr replaces previous version. 27/1/11 Revamped versions of infantry 5 to 14 and artillery 36, 37 & 40. French artillery codes revamped from 'Armies on the Danube 1809' by Bowden & Tarbox. Labels file edited to have 3, 4 & 8 pounders. Austrian 3lb batteries for Eckmuhl made code 'C'. Austrian artillery in Eckmuhl given unique IDs. A couple of commanders added to scenarios for detached units (to assist the AI). Graeme ******************************************************************** DESIGNERS NOTES -Eckmuhl Massive thanks go to Junot and Davros without whom my attempts at a first mod would have been a disaster. Junot got me heading in the right direction and is responsible for all the fantastic new graphics ie the Bavarians, Wurtemburgers, Hungarians etc. Davros helped me bring it all together as a package made it unique ie loading screens, info/ending screens etc, not to mention hats files, the jump map. Quite honestly I'd be lucky to claim 1/3 of this mod as mine. So if anyone out there is contemplating doing a mod, get stuck in, there are plently of great people who will help you out. I also used Marbot's excellent Scenario & Map creator to design my map. The artillery uses WNLB standard format & so are not historically accurate in terms of their composition. ******************************************************************* SOURCES Chandler - Campaigns of Napoleon Esposito & Elting - Military History & Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars Various websites Eggmuhl 1809 - Storm over Bavaria , Ian Castle Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) , Philip Haythornthwaite Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) , Philip Haythornthwaite Napoleon's Hussars , Emir Bukhari Napoleon's Chasseurs , Emir Bukhari ******************************************************************* DISCLAIMER I have tested this mod to the point of insanity if you have any complaints please contact my complaints Dept , more commonly known as Mrs Highlander. She will point out the construction of this mod nearly ended in Mr Highlander's divorce and you will very quickly forget your complaint and disappear back into cyberspace! I hope you enjoy playing it ! Highlander ================================================================================================= The Battle of Teugn-Hausen Notes: In history, this was a victory for the French as Charles was not willing to release the Grenadier Guards at all and delayed the use of the 2nd Division until it was too late to do more than prevent the French from capturing Hausen. On a practical note, this was a long and drawn out battle and much marching was done on both sides. Frequent use of the 'Turbo' mode is advised during approach marches and while rallying troops. It is important to take full advantage of all leaders to maximize rallying of routed units for use later in the battle. ----------------------- -Jim (6th Vermont) Weaver, email: -Highlander, email: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The files installed are: Main Files which go into the main "1809WNLB" folder are . PenMod.exe . JPIEXWe.dll (required for PenMod.exe to work) . EckmuhlOBA.txt . EckmuhlOBF.txt . labels.txt* . waterloo.ini* . menu.txt* Map Files which go into "MapData" subfolder are . EckmuhlElev.txt . EckmuhlBuild.txt . EckmuhlTerrain.txt . EckmuhlRoads.txt . EckmuhlNames.txt . config40.cfg . AspernEsslingElev.txt . AspernEsslingBuild.txt . AspernEsslingTerrain.txt . AspernEsslingRoads.txt . AspernEsslingNames.txt . config41.cfg . Teugn-HausenTerrain.txt . Teugn-HausenBuild.txt . Teugn-HausenRoads.txt . Teugn-HausenNames.txt . Teugn-HausenElev.txt . Config42.cfg . FortOff.csv (new 2008) . HouseOff.csv (new 2008) Scenario Files which go into "Scenarios" subfolder are . Scen40s40.SCN . Scen40s40.SCI . Scen40s41.SCN . Scen40s41.SCI . Scen40s42.SCN . Scen40s42.SCI . Scen40s43.SCN . Scen40s43.SCI . Scen40s44.SCN . Scen40s44.SCI . Scen40s45.SCN . Scen40s45.SCI . Scen41s51.SCN . Scen41s51.SCI . Scen41s52.SCN . Scen41s52.SCI . Scen41s53.SCN . Scen41s53.SCI . Scen41s54.SCN . Scen41s54.SCI . Scen41s55.SCN . Scen41s55.SCI . Scen41s56.SCN . Scen41s56.SCI . Scen41s57.SCN . Scen41s57.SCI . Scen41s58.SCN . Scen41s58.SCI . Scen41s59.SCN . Scen41s59.SCI . Scen41s60.SCN . Scen41s60.SCI . Scen41s61.SCN . Scen41s61.SCI . Scen42s47.scn . Scen42s47.sci Files that go direct to the main graphics folder are ; . detflags.BM2* . JumpMapAspernEssling.bm2 (new 2009) . JumpMapEckmuhl.bm2 . JumpMapTeugn.bm2 (new 2009) . OverlayMap0040.raw (new 2008) . OverlayMap0041.raw (new 2009) . OverlayMap0042.raw (new 2009) . WaterCmd.bag (from . WaterAux.bag (from . medals.bm2* . specarta.bm2 . specartp.bm2 . Large Commander Portrait Graphics The new files added to "WaterArmy.bag" are: . Austrian Army: 06stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 07stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 08stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 11stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 12stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 13stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 17cavstand.bm2* 18cavstand.bm2* 19cavstand.bm2* 24cavstand.bm2* 31cavstand.bm2* 38artsold.bm2* 53cavstand.bm2* 19cavstand.bm2* 33cavstand.bm2* . French Army: 01stand, run, march & shoot.BM2* 04stand, run, march & shoot.BM2* 22cavstand.bm2* 27cavstand.bm2* 28cavstand.bm2* 35artsold.bm2* 54cavstand.bm2* 14stand, run, march & shoot.BM2* 15stand, run, march & shoot.BM2* 16cavstand.bm2* 52cavstand.bm2* 51cavstand.bm2* 21cavstand.bm2* 26cavstand.bm2* 36artsold.bm2* . Bavarian Army: 02stand, run, march & shoot.BM2* 03stand, run, march & shoot.BM2* 32cavstand.bm2* 34cavstand.bm2* 40artsold.bm2* Leaders.bm2* . Wurtemburg Army: 05stand,run, march & shoot.BM2* 23cavstand.bm2* 25cavstand.bm2* 29cavstand.bm2* 30cavstand.bm2* 37artsold.bm2* .cannons.bm2* (new 2008) .cannons-limbered.bm2* (new 2008) Misc graphics files which are added to the WaterMisc.bag file from the WaterMisc subfolder are : . availableflags.BM2* . flagsanimated.BM2* . fort02.BM2 . fort05.BM2 (new 2008) . fort06.BM2 (new 2008) . fort07.BM2 (new 2008) . fort08.BM2 (new 2008) . fort09.bm2 . frozenflags.BM2* . inactiveflags.BM2* . mpflags.BM2* . outlineflag4.BM2* . selectedflags.BM2* . Specials2.bm2 (new 2009) . town groups1.bm2 Command graphics files which are added to WaterCmd.bag from the WaterCmd subfolder are : . flagsx.BM2 . Hats.BM2 . moraleblocks.BM2 . small commander portraits (new 2008) Map graphics which are added to the WaterMap.bag from the WaterMap subfolder are : . BaseStream.BM2* Graphics files which are added to WaterAux.bag from the WaterAux subfolder are : . aob.BM2* . eglflags.BM2* . egrflags.bm2 . endgame.BM2* . scenaflag.BM2* . fullmap.BM2* . loading1.BM2* . loading2.bm2 . mainmenu.BM2* . mmbutton1.BM2* . mmbutton2.BM2* . mmbutton3.BM2* . mmbutton4.BM2* . OOBGravestone.bm2 . open_32.BM2* . scenmap40.BM2* . scenmap41.BM2* . scenmap42.BM2* . scenmap43.BM2* . scenmap44.BM2* . scenmap45.BM2* . scenmap46.BM2* . scenmap51.BM2* . scenmap52.BM2* . scenmap53.BM2* . scenmap54.BM2* . scenmap55.BM2* . scenmap56.BM2* . scenmap57.BM2* . scenmap58.BM2* . scenmap59.BM2* . scenmap60.BM2* . scenmap61.BM2*