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Republic F-84 Thunderjet

Along with the F-80, the Thunderjet would perform outstanding
service in Korea. During the early part of the war, the F-84 was used to escort B-29 heavy bombers on missions
over North Korea. Initially, they were successful. However, with the arrival of the Soviet made MiG-15, the Thunderjet
simply did not have the speed to head-off the much faster swept-wing Migs. As the war progressed,
the F-84 would largely be assigned to duties in support of U.N. ground forces.
This photo shows the exceptionally clean lines of Republic's Thunderjet. This allowed
the heavier F-84B to attain higher level speeds than Lockheed's F-80A and B on
1,200 less pounds of thrust. With the introduction of the F-84G in July of 1951, the Thunderjet
had reached its zenith of performance with a straight wing. Republic's 695 mph F-84F, with greater thrust
and a swept wing would not arrive in time to see service in Korea.
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