Theſe trunckles heddes do playnly ſhowe, eache rebeles fatall end,
And what a haynous crime it is, the Queene for to offend.
These trunkless heads do plainly show, each rebel's fatal end,
And what a heinous crime it is, the Queen for to offend.
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Although the theeues are plagued thus, by Princes truſty frendes,
And brought for their innormyties, to ſondry wretched endes:
Yet may not that a warning be, to thoſe they leaue behinde,
But needes their treaſons muſt appeare, long kept in feſtred mynde.
Whereby the matter groweth at length, unto a bloudy fielde,
Euen unto the rebells ouerthrow, except the traytours yelde.
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For he that gouernes Iriſhe ſoyle, preſenting there her grace,
Whoſe fame made rebelles often flye, the preſence of his face:
He he I ſay, he goeth forth, with Marsis noble trayne,
To iuſtifie his Princes cauſe, but their demenures bayne:
Thus Queene he will haue honored, in middeſt of all her foes,
And knowne to be a royall Prince, euen in deſpight of thoſe.
Although the thieves are plagued thus, by Prince's trusty friends,
And brought for their enormities, to sundry wretched ends:
Yet may not that a warning be, to those they leave behind,
But needs their treasons must appear, long kept in festered mind.
Whereby the matter grows at length, unto a bloody field,
Even unto the rebel's overthrow, except the traitors yield.
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For he that governs Irish soil, presenting there her grace,
Whose fame made rebels often flee, the presence of his face:
He he I say, he goes forth, with Marsi's noble train,
To justify his Prince's cause, but their demeanour's bane:
Thus Queen he will have honoured, in midst of all her foes,
And known to be a royal Prince, even in despite of those.