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Cantiga 43 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X

The Boy Revived at Salas
A man from Daroca had a wife who was infertile. She suggested that they go on a pilgrimage to Salas and ask the Virgin for a child. She promised the Virgin that if she had a child, she would give Her his weight in wax and offer him as a servant at the church at Salas.
The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son, but did not keep her promise.
The boy, who was seven years old, contracted a fever and died.
The woman and her husband took the dead boy in a coffin to Salas where she laid him before the altar. She also brought the wax that she had originally vowed. Praying and moaning all night, she asked the Virgin to revive the boy.
Although the boy had been dead for six days, the Virgin caused him to cry out from his coffin and brought him back to life.
The people broke the coffin open and crowded around to witness the miracle.

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