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St. Maurice on the Reliquary by Abbot Nantelme, 1225AD.
Monastery of Saint Maurice, Agaunum, Valais, Switzerland.

A larger image of St. Maurice on the Reliquary by Abbot Nantelme

Reliquienschrein des Abtes Nanthelm (Nantelmus), Längsseite I, Dach, Detail: Heiliger Mauritius thronend

Datierung: 1225
Sachbegriff: Bildfeld
Form: Kastenreliquiar
Gattung: Goldschmiedekunst
Material/Technik: Silber, Kupfer, graviert
Sammlung: Saint-Maurice (Wallis), Abbaye de Saint-Maurice d'Agaune, Kirchenschatz
Themen: Ikonographie: 11 H (Maurice) * Mauritius von Agaunum (schwarzer) Kriegerheiliger, Befehlshaber der Thebäischen Legion und Märtyrer
Source: Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
Reliquary of Abbot Nanthelm (Nantelmus), long side 1, roof, detail: Saint Mauritius enthroned

Dating: 1225
Technical term: image field
Shape: box reliquary
Genre: Goldsmith's Art
Material / technique: silver, copper, engraved
Collection: Saint-Maurice (Wallis), Abbaye de Saint-Maurice d'Agaune, church treasure
Topics: Iconography: 11 H (Maurice) * Mauritius of Agaunum (negro) warrior saint, commander of the Theban Legion and martyr

A larger image of the Death of St. Maurice on the Reliquary by Abbot Nantelme

Châsse de l’Abbé Nantelme
Nantelme, mort en 1259, est un prélat catholique du XIIIe siècle, qui fut abbé de Saint-Maurice durant 35 ans. En 1225, il commanda une châsse et en précisa le décor, mettant en parallèle les représentations de la vie du Christ aux scènes de la vie des martyrs honorés à Saint-Maurice.
Source: Fondation de l’Abbaye de Saint-Maurice
Shrine of Abbot Nantelme
Nantelme, who died in 1259, is a 13th century Catholic prelate who was Abbot of Saint-Maurice for 35 years. In 1225, he ordered a reliquary and specified the decoration, comparing the representations of the life of Christ to the scenes of the life of the martyrs honored at Saint-Maurice.

A larger image of Giscald and Gundobald on the Reliquary by Abbot Nantelme

Themen:Ikonographie: 61 B 2 (Gunobad <Burgund, König>) 12 (+55) * historische Personen 61 B 2 (Giscald <Burgund, König>) 12 (+55) * historische Personen
Source: Bildarchiv Foto Marburg
Topics: Iconography: (Gundobald <Burgundy, King>) * historical persons (Giscald <Burgundy, King>) * historical persons

In 1225, the abbot at Saint-Maurice d’Agaune commissioned a shrine to hold the remains of the saint. The shrine is formed as an elongated house with a simple row. The decoration consists of engraved scenes framed by bands of foliage. On one side of the roof, the saint is enthroned between Sigismund and Gundobald, who is depicted next to Giscald. On the other side is a scene of the crucifixion. At the gable ends, the three magi visits the enthroned Virgin, while Christ is blessing the world on the opposite side.
Source: Medieval Histories

Referenced on p.209, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350, Western Europe and the Crusader States by David Nicolle
561A-D ‘Story of St Maurice’, Reliquary Chest of the Abbe Nantelme, Savoy, 1225
(Treasury, Abbey of St Maurice, Valais, Switzerland)

This particular piece of decorated metalwork provides some of the clearest illustrations of an early German form of great helm, which is flat-topped but relatively close-fitting without extending far down the neck (B—D). All the figures wear mail coifs and hauberks with mittens, one clearly slit horizontally across the palm (A). Mail chausses are worn, one pair of which are of the early type laced up the back of the leg (C). Two figures have padded cuisses with some form of poleyn to protect the knee (C and D [B]). The figure of St Maurice himself (A) wears a surcoat with shoulders that are so raised that some form of rigid or semi-rigid cuirie may be worn beneath.
For terms in italics see Terminology in Armour of the Crusading Era, 1050-1350 - Western Europe and the Crusader States - David Nicolle

See also Medieval face-mask and transitional helmets.
Other 13th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

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