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Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
& Sites of Interest

Ancient Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers
Urartu: The Kingdom of Van, Opposition for the Assyrians by Clive Naseby or mirror
Illustrations of North Thracian Armoured Cavalry or mirror
Thracian Warriors on wall paintings in the Kazanlak tomb, c.280 BC or mirror
Illustrations of Scythian, Saka, Sarmatian, Pazyryk Culture, Yuezhi, Parthians, White Huns, Hephthalites and Alchon Huns or mirror
Illustrations of Scythian, Cimmerian, Thracian and Sarmatian Costume and Soldiers from the Black Sea Region or mirror
Frieze from Khaltchayan Reception Hall, 50 BC-50 AD, Bactria, Yuezhi, Kushan or Parthian or mirror
Siberian belt buckles & plaques, an extract from Ancient Arts Of Central Asia by Tamara Talbot Rice or mirror
Late Roman Armoured Cavalry by Leslie C. Booth. Miniature Wargames No. 32, January 1986. or mirror

6th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Persian armoured cavalry in the Sassanid Rock Relief at Firuzabad, early 3rd Century AD or mirror
A Sogdian Mortuary Couch, A.D. 550-577. China, Henan province, probably Ce xian or mirror
Coptic Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers, Egypt and Syria or mirror
Romano-Byzantine Illustrations from the 6th-7th century Ashburnham/Tours Pentateuch or mirror
The Representation of Costumes in the Reliefs of Taq-i-Bustan by Elsie Holmes Peck or mirror
Plates with figures from Sasanid & later Persia and Central Asia or mirror

7th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Extracts from and sources for Armies of the Dark Ages 600-1066 by Ian Heath or mirror
Tokharians and Uighurs of the Central Asian City States in Frescos from the Tarim Basin or mirror
Sogdian murals from Panjakent (Panji-kant), 6th-8th Centuries or mirror
Byzantine plates with biblical characters in Byzantine costume & armour of the reign of Herakleios, early 7th century or mirror
David Nicolle, "An introduction to arms and warfare in classical Islam", in: Islamic Arms and Armour, ed. Robert Elgood, London 1979 or mirror
Illustrations of Arabian Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Clothing - The Omayyad [Umayyad] period by Elsie H. Peck or mirror
Picts versus Saxons in ‘A Woeful Disaster’ The Battle of Nechtansmere, 685 AD. by Guy Halsall. Miniature Wargames No. 19, December 1984. or mirror

8th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
"Oriental Armour of the Near and Middle East from the Eighth to the Fifteenth Centuries as Shown in Works of Art", by Michael Gorelik, in: Islamic Arms and Armour, ed. Robert Elgood, 1979. or mirror
List of Illustrations in Ancient Arts Of Central Asia by Tamara Talbot Rice or mirror
Picts on Pictish Stones, Scotland or mirror
Small figures in The Book of Kells, Ireland, c.800AD or mirror
The Franks Casket / The Auzon Casket, Anglo-Saxon, early 8th century, British Museum or mirror
Illustrations of Carolingian, Ottonian (& associated) Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Abbasid Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Clothing The early 'Abbasid period (749-1031) by Elsie H. Peck or mirror

9th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Armies in the Trier Apocalypse, Carolingian, 8th-9th century, folio 63, Stadtbib. Cod. 31 or mirror
Carolingian soldiers in the Corbie Psalter, beginning of the 9th century, Northern France or mirror
Carolingian Soldiers in the Stuttgart Psalter, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Cod.bibl.fol. 23. 1st half 9th century or mirror
Carolingian Soldiers in the Utrecht Psalter, Reims, 2nd quarter 9th century. Rijksuniversiteit Bibliotheek, Hs. 32 or mirror
Detail of a 9th century Pictish Crossbowman on the Drosten Stone or mirror
Byzantine Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Byzantium's Neighbours: The Bulgarians by Steven Lowe or mirror
The Balkan Slavs, Croatia and the Serbian Empire by Steven Lowe or mirror
List of Illustrations in The military technology of classical Islam by David Nicolle or mirror
Illustrations from Anglo-Saxon & Frankish manuscripts of Prudentius' Psychomachia 'Conflict Of The Soul' or mirror
Carolingian Arms and Armor in the Ninth Century by Simon Coupland or mirror
Chludov Psalter, Byzantine, Moscow, Historical Museum MS 129, 9th century or mirror
Commentaries of Gregory of Nazianzus, Byzantine, c880AD, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS. Grec 510 or mirror
Carolingian soldiers in The Golden Psalter of St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 22, late 9thC or mirror
Nubian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Byzantine Infantry on The Rome or David Casket, Byzantine, 898 or 900AD or mirror
The Leiden I Maccabees manuscript, Germany, second half of 9th-early 10th century or mirror
Bowls with figures from Nishapur, Kurasan, Iran, 9th-10th centuries, Saffarid-Samanid period or mirror

10th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Kremasmata, Kabadion, Klibanion:, Some aspects of middle Byzantine military equipment reconsidered by Timothy Dawson or mirror
Daylamī by David Nicolle or mirror
6th to 19th century Spanish & North African Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Armenians on Surb Khach Church of the Holy Cross, Akdamar Island, Van Province, Turkey, c.920 or mirror
Byzantine Soldiers in the Joshua Roll, early 10th century or mirror
Lombards in 10th-11th century manuscripts or mirror
Commentary on the Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, Portugal & France or mirror
Biblia de San Isidoro de Leon, Spain, 960AD. MS 2, 960. or mirror
The Depiction of Byzantine Military Equipment in Kappadokian Murals by Steven Lowe or mirror
Anglo Saxons in Prudentius' Psychomachia, c.1000. British Library, MS Cotton Cleopatra C VIII or mirror
Menologion of Basil II, Byzantine, c.1000AD, Códice Vaticano Griego 1613 or mirror

11th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Illustrations from Muslim Influenced, Norman and Lombard Southern Italy and Sicily or mirror
Harley Psalter, Anglo-Saxon England, early 11th century, British Library MS Harley 603 or mirror
The Evolution of Splint Armour in Georgia and Byzantium, Lamellar and Scale in the 10th-12th Centuries by Mamuka Tsurtsumia or mirror
Ottonians on the Elfenbeinsitula, Lotharingia, c.1000 or c.1024AD, in the Cathedral of Aachen or mirror
Ripoll Bible (Farfa Bible). Catalonia, Spain, ca. 1027-1032AD or mirror
Anglo-Saxons in Ælfric's Hexateuch, British Library, MS Cotton Claudius B IV or mirror
Barlaam and Ioasaph, Holy Monastery of Iveron, Mount Athos, Byzantine Greece, Codex. 463, c.1075-1125AD or mirror
Psalter of Theodore of Caesarea, Byzantine, 11th century or mirror
Frescoes in the Hidden Church (Sakli Kilise), c. 1070 AD, Cappadocia, Turkey, showing Byzantine soldiers, by Steven Lowe or mirror
Saint-Sever Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, SW France 1028-1072AD or mirror
Extracts from and sources for Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300 by Ian Heath or mirror
Biblia Sancti Petri Rodensis, the Roda Bible, Catalonia, 1050-1100AD or mirror
The Bayeux Tapestry with captions in Latin & English or mirror
The Betrayal: Military Iconography and Archaeology in the Byzantine Paintings of the 11th-15th C. AD by Raffaele D’amato or mirror
Fatimid Soldiers & Hunters, 10th - 12th Centuries or mirror
Fatimid Musicians, Dancers & Revelers or mirror

12th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
10th to 19th century Egypt and its territories or mirror
Knights & infantry in Archivolt carvings, Leoni door, church of San Nicola, Bari, Italy, 1099 to 1106AD or mirror
Franks and Saracens of the 12th century in the painted windows in the monastery church of St Denis in Paris or mirror
Greek Psalter manuscript, Byzantine, 12th century. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome, or mirror
Italian knights on the Modena Archivolt, 1120-1140 or mirror
12th century Arabic & Frankish costume in the Painted Wooden Ceiling of the Palatine Chapel, Sicily or mirror
Skylitzes Chronicle, Made in Byzantine Italy in the 11th or 12th Century or mirror
Georgian illustrations of costume and Soldiers from the 12th to 17th Centuries or mirror
Plates depicting the Byzantine hero, Digenis Akritas, 12th century or mirror
Frescos from the Church of San Baudelio de Berlanga, Soria, Spain, 12th century or mirror
Chessmen from Uig, Lewis, western isles of Scotland, c.1150-1175 or mirror
Medieval illustrations of the Murder of Thomas Becket or mirror
Frankish soldiers in The Winchester Bible c.1160-80 or mirror
Extracts from and sources for Armies and Enemies of the Crusades 1096-1291 by Ian Heath or mirror
Rylands Beatus, Spain c.1175AD or mirror
Bronze Doors of Trani, Ravello and Monreale Cathedrals, Italy, made by Barisano da Trani. or mirror
Murder of Thomas Becket on the font in Lyngsjo Church, Scania, southern Sweden, late 12th century or mirror
Fatimids/Ayyubids in Illustrations from a Coptic Gospel, Damietta, Egypt, 1179-80. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Cote Copte 13. or mirror
Sicilians & Germans in the Liber ad honorem Augusti by Pietro da Eboli, c.1197 or mirror
Navarre Picture Bible, Pamplona, Spain, 1197AD or mirror
Irish in Topographia Hibernica (Topography of Ireland) by Giraldus Cambrensis in BL Ms. Royal 13 B VIII or mirror
Persian Armies from the 3rd to the 19th century or mirror
Islamic costume in the 'Book of Fixed Stars' (Kitab suwar al-kawakib al-tabita) by 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Umar al-Sufi or mirror
Seljuk Turk Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers, 12th-13th century or mirror
Medieval face-mask / visor and transitional helmets in iconography or mirror
13th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Eneit, or Aeneasroman, by Heinrich von Veldeke, Germany c.1215 or mirror
Karlsschrein, Shrine of Charlemagne, Aachen Cathedral, Germany, c.1215 or mirror
Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers in a Syriac Gospel of c.1220 or mirror
Chartres Cathedral window w. 7 (Delaport 38) The story of Charlemagne. Franks and Moors of the early 13th century or mirror
Arroyo Apocalypse by Beatus of Liebana, Spain, c.1220AD or mirror
Las Huelgas Apocalypse by Beatus of Liébana, Spain, 1220AD or mirror
Andalusian Costume in The Story of Bayad wa Riyad, 13th century or mirror
Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish & Finnish Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
13th-14th century Arabic costume in multiple copies of the Maqamat of al-Hariri or mirror
Statues of knights on Wells Cathedral, England, c.1230-40 or mirror
Histoire d'Outremer by William of Tyre, Northern France, between 1232 and 1261 or mirror
Chronica Majora by Matthew Paris, England, c.1240-53 or mirror
Seljuk Costume & Solders in Varka wa Gulshah, Topkapi Palace Library MS Hazine 841 or mirror
The Morgan Crusader Bible of Louis IX or Maciejowski Bible or The Bible of Shah Abbas, mid 13th Century or mirror
Byzantine style illustrations in the Bible of St. John of Acre. 1250-1254AD, Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Ms-5211 réserve or mirror
The T'oros Roslin (or Sebastia) Gospels of Armenia, 1262 or mirror
Spanish, Granadine & Moroccan Soldiers of the 13th Century in Las Cantigas de Santa Maria, c.1284 or mirror
13th century Spanish & Moorish Soldiers in the frescos of The Conquest of Mallorca or mirror
Histoire d'Outremer by William of Tyre, Saint-Jean-d'Acre, Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, late 13th century or mirror
Illustrations of Wesh soldiers 12th to 14th century or mirror

14th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Extracts from and sources for Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 1 by Ian Heath or mirror
Extracts from and sources for Armies of the Middle Ages, volume 2 by Ian Heath or mirror
. . . . Illustrations from the First Small Shahnama, c.1300 showing Ilkhanid Mongols or mirror
. . . . Illustrations from the Second Small Shahnama, c.1300 showing Ilkhanid Mongols or mirror
. . . . Ilkhanid Mongols in the 1305-14 Jami' al-Tawarikh by Rashid al-Din or mirror
. . . . Ilkhanid Mongols in the c.1330 Kitab-i Samak 'Ayyar (part 3) by Ibn Abi al-Qasim Sharazi, Sadaqah or mirror
. . . . Ilkhanid Illustrations in the “Great Mongol” (Demotte) Shah-Nameh (Shahnama), Tabriz, Persia, c.1330-1340. or mirror
. . . . Injuid vassals of the Ilkhanid Mongols in a Shahnama of 1341 or mirror
. . . . Jalayrid Mongols or mirror
Kitab fi marifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya by al-Jazari. Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, Syria or Egypt, 1315 or mirror
English Knights and Infantry in Battle, Holkham Picture Bible, 1327-35AD, British Library MS Add. 47682 or mirror
14th Century Illustrations of Flemish Costume & Soldiers on The Courtrai Chest (Kist van Kortrijk) or mirror
Illustrations of 14th century Flemish Militia from the Leugemeete Fresco or mirror
Italian Soldiers in Frescoes at Sabbionara Castle at Avio, Guard House, c.1340 or mirror
Mamluks on the Baptistère de Saint Louis, 1320-40 or mirror
Nihayat al-sul Mameluke manuals of horsemanship and military practice, 14th century or mirror
Grandes Chroniques de St Denis, BL Royal 16 G VI, Paris, France, c. 1335–40 or mirror
Timurid Illustrations of Costume and Soldiers or mirror
14th & 15th Century Hungarians & Cumans in Frescos of the Legend of Saint Ladislaus or mirror
Illuminations from the collection of Icelandic sagas, the Flateyjarbók, 14th century or mirror
Chronica de Gestis Hungarorum of Mark Kálti or Képes Krónika, Hungary, c.1360 or mirror
Grandes Chroniques de France de Charles V BnF MS Français 2813, France, c.1375-1380 or mirror
Illustrations of French soldiers in 'La chanson de Bertrand du Guesclin' by Jean Cuvelier, c. 1380-1392. BL MS Yates Thompson 35 or mirror
Bohemian knights and infantry in the King Wenceslas IV Bible, late 14th century, Austrian National Library Cod. 2759–64 or mirror
Chroniques de France ou de St Denis, British Library Royal 20 C VII, c.1398 or mirror
14th or 15th Century Illustrations of Nomad Turkmen of Persia or Anatolia (Siyah Qalem school) or mirror

15th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Illustrations of Turkmen of Anatolia from Iskandar-namah (The Book of Alexander the Great), 1416 or mirror
Timurid Soldiers from Baysunghur's copy of the Shahnama by Ferdowsi, 1430 or mirror
Spanish Soldiers on 15th Century Catalonian Altarpieces or mirror
Illustrations of Sultanate of Delhi soldiers, Jainesque Shahnama, 1450, India or mirror
Illustrations of Burgundian Soldiers and Costume or mirror
Aq Qoyunlu (White Sheep) Turkmen in the Fatih album (Hazine 2153) or mirror
Hesperides' by Basinio de' Basini of Parma, Italy, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Canon. Class. Lat. 81, 1457-1468AD or mirror
Kitâb al-funûn, a Mamluk manual of military practice and horsemanship, 1470 or mirror
Harley Froissart', Chronicles by Jean Froissart, Netherlands, c 1470-1472, British Library Harley MS 4379 or mirror
Chronicles by Jean Froissart, Bruges, Belgium, c.1470-1475AD. Artist: Loyset Liédet et al. Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Français 2643 or mirror
Sleeping Guards at the Sepulchre, Hronský Beňadik Monastery Church, 1470s, portrayed as Hungarian Heavy Infantry or mirror
Timurids in the Zafarnama of Sultan Husayn or ‘Garrett Zafarnama’. Assault on the Fortress of the Knights of St. John at Smyrna or mirror
Diebold Schilling: Amtliche Berner Chronik Official Bernese Chronicle, Switzerland,1478-1483 or mirror
The Gradual of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Cod. Lat. 424, 1480-1488AD or mirror
Italian Soldiers of the 7th to the 16th Centuries or mirror
Wood carvings of scenes of the Conquest of Granada on the Choir Stalls in Toledo Cathedral, Spain. or mirror
The Pastrana Tapestries portraying the Portuguese capture of Asilah and Tangier or mirror
Mittelalterliches Hausbuch von Schloss Wolfegg Medieval House Book of Wolfegg Castle, Germany, 1475-1500 or mirror
The 1480 Ottoman siege of the city of Rhodes in Obsidionis Rhodiae Urbis Descriptio by William Caoursin or mirror
The pilgrimage of the Knight Arnold von Harff, 1496 to 1499 or mirror
Ottomans in Khusrau and Shirin, 1498-99AD or mirror
Sultans with Horns: The Political Significance of Headgear in the Mamluk Empire by Albrecht Fuess or mirror

16th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Swiss Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Illustrations of Hungarian soldiers, 13th-17th centuries or mirror
Illustrations of Irish soldiers, 7th-17th centuries or mirror
Illustrations of Scottish Costume and Soldiers or mirror
Airfix Magazine Articles - Renaissance Warfare by George Gush or mirror
Jan Zizka leading his troops & other images, Jena Codex, Hussite, early 16th century Bohemia or mirror
Spanish & Moorish Soldiers in Conquest of Oran, 1509, painted by Juan de Borgoña, 1514 or mirror
French & Genoese soldiers in Le Voyage de Gênes (The Journey to Genoa) by Jean Marot, 1510-1520 or mirror
Ottoman Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Russian Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Pictures of Aztecs, Incas and Conquistadores or mirror
Swiss soldiers of the Renaissance by Urs Graf or mirror
Emperor Maximilian I's The Adventures of the Knight Theuerdank, 1517 or mirror
Illustrations by Hans Burkmar in The Triumph of Maximilian or mirror
Safavid Persian Illustrations from the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp c. 1522-1540 or mirror
Emperor Charles V in procession after his coronation by Pope Clement VII in Bologna, by Nicolaus Hogenberg, 1530 or mirror
The 1535 Attack on La Goleta from the 1744 copies of the Spanish 'Conquest of Tunis' Tapestries or mirror
St George & soldiers, Church of Bet Giorgis, Lalibela, Ethiopia or mirror
French, Scots, Landsknechts and Swiss in Recuiel de la diversite des habits qui sont present en usage, tantes pays d'Europe, Asie, Affrique et iles sauvages by Francois Desprez, 1567 or mirror
Kitab al-makhzun li arbab al-funun by al-tarâbulusî - A manual of military practice and horsemanship, Egypt or Syria, 1578 or mirror
Illustrations of Ottoman Janissaries or mirror
European & Mediterranean Costume & Soldiers by Lucas d'Heere, about 1575 or mirror
Ottoman Soldiers in Tyrkerværk by Melchior Lorck, 1570-83 or mirror
Vijayanagar Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Anglo-Irish from the de Burgo manuscript, Trinity College Dublin, MS 1440, c.1578 or mirror
Mughal Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers or mirror
Clothing of the Ancient Celts: A Guide to Celtic Costume by M. E. Riley or mirror
English & Irish soldiers in Derricke's The Image of Irelande (1581) or mirror

17th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Ottoman Military Illustrations from Hans Sloan's 'The Habits of the Grand Signor's Court', c.1620 or mirror
Illustrations of Indian Soldiers from the Padshahnama of Shah Jahan, 1636 or mirror
17th Century Illustrations of Mughals and Marathas or mirror
Frescos in the main hall of the Chehel Sotoun in Isfahan, Persia, c.1667 or mirror
Coloured images of Russians by Fedor Grigor'evich Solntsev, after Adam Olearius or mirror
Russian armament from the 14th century until the second half of the 17th century' by Aleksandr Viskovatov or mirror
Dr. Kaempfer's Album of Persian Costumes and Animals, 1684-5 or mirror

18th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Paintings of Ottomans by Jean-Baptiste Vanmour, made 1699-1737 or mirror
Prints of Hungarians after Luyken, 1702 or mirror
Ottoman Military Prints after Caspar Luyken from Abraham a Sancta Clara's Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria, 1703 or mirror
Prints of Ottomans after Jean-Baptiste Vanmour, c.1708 or mirror
Hamse (quintet) of the Ottoman Turkish poet Atai, depicting Ottoman, Hungarian & Polish Soldiers, 1721AD or mirror
Drawings from the Penicuik Collection. Jacobite and British Soldiers, Scotland, 1745 or mirror
18th Century Illustrations of Indian Costume & Soldiers or mirror
18th Century Illustrations of Ethiopian Soldiers in Debre Birhan Selassie Church, Gondar or mirror
Battle of Saratoga Information or mirror
Costumes Orientaux, Monnier's Collection of costumes and clothing of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century, 1786, Ville de Bourg-en-Bresse Ms 65 or mirror
Illustrations and articles about the Invasion of Egypt by Napoleon Bonaparte or mirror
Illustrations of Ottomans circa 1790 from Costumes Turcs (Diez album) or mirror
Information on the Mysore Wars or mirror
Historical Maps of Germany or mirror

19th century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
18th-19thC Württemberg Military Uniforms by Leo Ignaz von Stadlinger: Geschichte des württembergischen Kriegswesens or mirror
Illustrations of Napoleonic Soldiers from the Augsburger Bilder or mirror
Charles Gold's Oriental Drawings (India), 1806 or mirror
Selected Illustrations of India from 'Oriental Memoirs' by James Forbes (1749-1819), Published 1813 or mirror
Handcoloured engravings by Frederic Shoberl from his work 'The World in Miniature: Hindoostan' or mirror
Downloads for 'Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle' & Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory computer games or mirror
The Prusso-Saxon Army at Jena 14th October 1806 by Peter Hofschröer or mirror
Infantry Skirmishing in the Napoleonic Wars by Peter Hofschröer or mirror
Napoleonic Skirmishing In Practice by Peter Hofschröer or mirror
The White Uniforms of the French Army, 1806-1807 Described by Guy C. Dempsey Jr., illustrated by R. J. Marrion or mirror
Spanish Maps of Peninsular War Battles or mirror
Spanish Napoleonic Uniforms or mirror
Spanish Napoleonic Uniforms of Joseph Bonaparte's Troops or mirror
Uniforms Of Spanish Units At Talavera or mirror
Uniforms of the Archduke Charles' Legion by Ken Bunger or mirror
The Great Cavalry Battle Of Liebertwolkwitz (14th October, 1813) by Peter Hofschröer or mirror
Full corrected OCR text of 1815, Waterloo by Henry Houssaye, 1905 or mirror
Netherlands Infantry Uniforms 1813 to 1831 or mirror
. or (in Dutch) or mirror
Full corrected OCR text of The battle of Wavre and Grouchy's retreat; a study of an obscure part of the Waterloo campaign by Hyde Kelly 1905. Includes 3 maps (2.7MB) or mirror
. Map of Wavre by Johnston (0.8MB) or mirror
. Map of Wavre by Siborne (1.9MB) or mirror
The 1859 Italian War-Operations Of War by Luigi Casali or mirror
Pictures of buildings on the battlefields of:
. Waterloo or mirror
. Williamsburg or mirror
. Cold Harbor/Gaines' Mill or mirror
. Bull Run / Manassas or mirror
. Fredericksburg or mirror
. Sharpsburg / Antietam or mirror
Downloads for Sid Meier's Gettysburg computer game. or mirror

Official Reports for the Seven Days Battles of the Peninsular Campaign (1MB) including a linked Excel file with OB & casualties
Uniforms of the First Boer War, 1881, by Ian Knight (Artwork by Cliff Weaver). Miniature Wargames No. 32, January 1986. or mirror
19th Century Colonial Costume by Racinet or mirror
Organizations and Uniforms of the Mahdist Armies, 1883-1898 by Doug Johnson, Illustrations by Greg Rose. The Courier Vol.V No.5 Sept/Oct 1984. or mirror

The French Navy In July 1939 or mirror
The Drama of Diego Suarez (in French) or mirror
The Dutch East Indies Campaign of World War II or mirror
Marmon-Herrington Military Vehicles or mirror
Steel Chariots - A Resource Site for the Canadian Armour Enthusiast or mirror
Planes And Pilots Of World War 2 or mirror
. VI Bomber Command In Defense Of The Panama Canal 1941 - 45 or mirror
. USAAF Combat Chronology 1941 - 1945 or mirror
Planes And Pilots Of The Korean War or mirror

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