
Renaissance Warfare by George Gush
Airfix Magazine Articles
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Infantry weapons and organisation
Part 3: infantry missile weapons
Part 4: The artillery
Part 5: Cavalry weapons and organisation
Part 6: Henry VIII's army
Part 7: Irish army of the 16th Century
Part 8: The Universal Soldier
Part 9: Swiss
Part 10: The Turks - Part 1: the Spahis
Part 11: The Turks - Part 2: Janissaries and others
Part 12: The Scots
Part 13: the Polish Army
Part 14: Spanish infantry
Part 15: Spanish Ginetes to Caballos Corazas
Part 16: The French
Part 17: the Imperialists
Part 18: Persians and other easterners
Part 19: the Dutch army
Part 20: the Swedish army
Part 21: the Swedish army (continued)
Part 22: the Muscovites
Part 23: the Muscovites (continued)
Part 24: Converting Airfix figures for Renaissance armies
Part 25: Converting Airfix figures for Renaissance armies (continued)
Download a zip containing the 1st 23 parts (9MB) (updated 25/2/2015)
Some chapters from George Gush's book, not covered in the Airfix Magazine Articles:
Renaissance Armies: The Burgundian Army of Charles the Bold
Renaissance Armies: The Italians
Renaissance Armies: Military Orders
Renaissance Armies: The_Moghul_Empire
Renaissance Armies: The English Civil War
and the slightly updated version of:
Renaissance Armies: The Polish Army
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