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Stone Tomb Effigy of a Scottish Highland Knight at the Church of Kildalton, Island of Islay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland

A larger image of this Stone Tomb Effigy of a Scottish Highland Knight at the Church of Kildalton, Island of Islay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland
Stone tomb effigy of Scottish Highland Knight in Mediaeval Church of Kildalton, island of Islay, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, UK
Source: deceased online blog

No. 86, Plate XXVII. - A slab with an armoured figure in very high relief, built into the south wall, and surrounded by a tall iron railing. No direct sunlight falls upon it, and this made it extremely difficult to photograph. To the left of the head are two lines of writing. These seem to be
To the right of the head is a small figure in a niche, and beneath the elbow on the right of the stone there is a dog.
Source: The Carved Stones of Islay - Part 5 The Parish of Kildalton
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