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Illustrations of late 14th century Italian Soldiers in
a Latin Translation of Al-taghvim al-seha'at by Ibn Butlan
fol. 100v, Climate : wind

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Division occidentale
Cote : Nouvelle acquisition latine 1673
Auteur, titre : ibn butlân, taqwim es siha (trad. anonyme)
Titre d'usage : tacuinum sanitatis
Nom de pays : italie
Origine : pavie ou milan
Siècle : 14ème siècle
Date : vers 1390-1400
Artiste :
National Library of France, Manuscripts Department, Western Division
Code : New Latin Acquisition 1673
Author, title : Ibn Butlan, Al-taghvim al-seha'at (translator unknown)
Common title : Tacuinum Sanitatis
Country name : Italy
Origin : Pavia or Milan
Century : 14th century
Date : between 1390-1400
Artist : unknown
Source: BnF Mandragore

Ibn Butlan (1038-1075) was an Arab Nestorian Christian physician who was active in Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age.

He wrote the Taqwim al-Sihhah (The Maintenance of Health). The work treated matters of hygiene, dietetics, and exercise. It emphasized the benefits of regular attention to the personal physical and mental well-being. The continued popularity and publication of this medieval text of Middle Eastern origin into the sixteenth century is thought to demonstrate the influence that Arabic culture had on early modern Europe. One of his Greek sources was Dioscorides.

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