Cantiga 47 of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X

The Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts
A monk observed all the rules of his order. Once, however, he went to the cellar and consumed so much wine that he became very drunk.
He tried to leave the cellar and go to the church, but the devil, in the shape of a bull, attempted to gore him.
The monk called on the Virgin, who scared the bull away.
The devil then appeared to the monk in the form of a tall, thin, shaggy, black man.
The monk called on the Virgin, who scared the man away.
The monk went into the church where the devil appeared to him in the form of a lion. The Virgin hit the lion with a stick and chased it away. She then consoled the monk and advised him to behave better in future.
Source: Plate 8, 'Daily Life Depicted In The Cantigas de Santa Maria' by Keller & Cash

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