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Illustrations from

Las Cantigas de Santa Maria

"The Cantigas de Santa Maria is one of the most notable literary productions of the court of Alfonso X. The Cantigas consist of more than four hundred poems set to music extolling the virtues of the Virgin Mary, and many of the poems derive from events of Alfonso's reign. While the poems were written in 1280, before the illustrations, which were completed on or around 1284, the illustrations have drawn scholars into a world of crosscultural references and literary parallels. There are four surviving Cantigas manuscripts: two live in the Biblioteca de San Lorenzo el Real at the El Escorial palace near Madrid - MS T. I. 1, also known as the Códice Rico, and the MS B.1.2 - the third manuscript is in Madrid at the Biblioteca Nacional, MS 10.069, and the last example is in Florence, Italy at the Biblioteca Nazionale, MS Banco Rari 20." Sarah. A. Cosgrove

Escorial codex MS T. I. 1 (Códice Rico).

MTI1 does not include cantigas 40 and 150. Cantigas ending with a '5' have a double page illustration except Cantigas 145 and 185. Cantiga 187 has a double page illustration. Cantiga 195 is not illustrated.

Cantiga 1 - Cantiga de loor (Des oge mais quer’ eu trobar)
Cantiga 2 - Hildefonsus of Toledo (Muito devemos varões/ loar a Santa Maria)
Cantiga 3 - Theophilus (Mais nos faz Santa Maria/ a seu fillo perdõar)
Cantiga 4 - The Murdered Jewish Boy (A Madre do que livrou/ dos leões Daniel)
Cantiga 5 (CSM 15) - The Death of Julian the Apostate (Todolos santos que son no ceo)
Cantiga 6 - The Murdered Chorister (A que do bon rei Davi de seu linnage decende)
Cantiga 7 - The Pregnant Abbess (Santa Maria amar)
Cantiga 8 - The Minstrel of Rocamadour (A Virgen Santa Maria/ todos a loar devemos)
Cantiga 9 - The Icon of Sardonay (Por que nos ajamos/ senpre, noit’ e dia)
Cantiga 10 - Cantiga de loor (Rosa das rosas, flor das flores)
Cantiga 11 - The Drowned Sacristan (Macar ome per folia/ agĩa caer/ pod’ en pecado)
Cantiga 12 - The Image of Christ Reviled by the Jews of Toledo (O que a Santa Maria mais despraz)
Cantiga 13 - Elbo the Thief (Assi como Jesucristo | estando na cruz salvou/ un ladron)
Cantiga 14 - The Monk of St Peter’s at Cologne (Par Deus, muit’ é gran razon)
Cantiga 15 (CSM 5) - The Chaste Empress (Quen as coitas deste mundo ben quiser sofrer)
Cantiga 16 - The Knight who Said Two Hundred ‘Aves’ a Day (Quen dona fremosa e bõa quiser amar)
Cantiga 17 - The Woman who Committed Incest with her Son (Sempre seja bẽeita e loada)
Cantiga 18 - The Silkworms that Wove Veils (Por nos de dulta tirar)
Cantiga 19 - The Three Knights (Gran sandece faz quen se por mal filla)
Cantiga 20 - Cantiga de loor (Virga de Jesse)
Cantiga 21 - The Barren Woman’s Son is Revived (Santa Maria pod’ enfermos guarir)
Cantiga 22 - The Wounded Farmer (Mui gran poder á a Madre de Deus)
Cantiga 23 - The Woman whose Wine was Replenished (Como Deus fez vĩo d’ agua)
Cantiga 24 - The Clerk of Chartres (Madre de Deus, non pod’ errar/ quen en ti á fiança)
Cantiga 25 - The Jewish Moneylender and the Christian Merchant (Pagar ben pod’ o que dever)
Cantiga 26 - The Pilgrim to Santiago (Non é gran cousa se sabe | bon joizo dar)
Cantiga 27 - The Image that Appeared in a Synagogue (Non devemos por maravilla tẽer)
Cantiga 28 - The Siege of Constantinople (Todo logar mui ben pode/ seer defendudo)
Cantiga 29 - The Images of the Virgin Mary at Gethsemane (Nas mentes senpre tẽer)
Cantiga 30 - Cantiga de loor (Muito valvera mais, se Deus m’ anpar)
Cantiga 31 - The Runaway Calf (Tanto, se Deus me perdon)
Cantiga 32 - The Priest who Only Knew One Mass (Quen loar podia)
Cantiga 33 - The Pilgrim Saved from Shipwreck (Gran poder á de mandar/ o mar e todolos ventos)
Cantiga 34 - The Desecrated Image of the Virgin (Gran dereit’ é que fill’ o demo por escarmento)
Cantiga 35 - The Clerics Saved from Pirates (O que a Santa Maria/ der algo ou prometer)
Cantiga 36 - The Light on the Masthead (Muit’ amar devemos)
Cantiga 37 - The Amputated Foot (Miragres fremosos/ faz por nos Santa Maria)
Cantiga 38 - The Bleeding Image of the Christ-Child (Pois que Deus quis da Virgen fillo/ seer)
Cantiga 39 - The Fire at Mont Saint-Michel (Torto seria grand’ e desmesura)
Cantiga 41 - Garin the Moneychanger (A Virgen, Madre de Nostro Sennor)
Cantiga 42 - The Ring on the Finger of the Virgin’s Statue (A Virgen mui groriosa)
Cantiga 43 - The Boy Revived at Salas (Porque é Santa Maria/ leal e mui verdadeira)
Cantiga 44 - The Knight whose Goshawk was Returned by Santa Maria de Salas (Quen fiar na madre do Salvador)
Cantiga 45 - The Wicked Knight who Built a Monastery (A Virgen Santa Maria/ tant’ é de gran piedade)
Cantiga 46 - The Moor who Venerated an Image of the Virgin Mary (Porque ajan de seer/ seus miragres mais sabudos)
Cantiga 47 - The Devil who Appeared in the Shape of Three Beasts (Virgen Santa Maria/ guarda-nos se te praz)
Cantiga 48 - The Stream that was Diverted for the Monks of Montserrat (Tanto son da Groriosa/ seus feitos mui piadosos)
Cantiga 49 - The Lost Pilgrims who were Led to Soissons (Ben com’ aos que van per mar)
Cantiga 50 - Cantiga de loor (Non deve null’ ome desto per ren dultar)
Cantiga 51 - The Statue that Intercepted an Arrow (A Madre de Deus/ devemos tẽer mui cara)
Cantiga 52 - The Mountain Goats that Gave Milk to the Monks of Montserrat (Mui gran dereit’ é d’ as bestias obedecer)
Cantiga 53 - The Shepherd Boy who was Healed at Soissons (Como pod’ a Groriosa/ mui ben enfermos sãar)
Cantiga 54 - The Monk who was Healed by the Virgin’s Milk (Toda saude da Santa Re?a/ ven)
Cantiga 55 - The Nun who Left the Convent (Atant’ é Santa Maria/ de toda bondade bõa)
Cantiga 56 - The Monk who Recited Five Psalms Daily (Gran dereit’ é de seer/ seu miragre mui fremoso)
Cantiga 57 - The Robbed Pilgrims to Montserrat (Mui grandes noit’ e dia)
Cantiga 58 - The Nun who was Shown the Mouth of Hell (De muitas guisas nos guarda de mal)
Cantiga 59 - The Nun who was Slapped by a Crucifix (Quen a Virgen ben servir)
Cantiga 60 - Cantiga de loor (Entre Ave e Eva)
Cantiga 61 - The Man who Scorned the Virgin’s Slipper (Fol é o que cuida)
Cantiga 62 - The Boy whose Mother’s Prayers Freed him from Captivity (Santa Maria sempr’ os seus ajuda)
Cantiga 63 - The Knight who Missed the Battle (Quen ben serv’ a Madre do que quis morrer)
Cantiga 64 - The Woman who could not Remove her Slipper (Quen mui ben quiser o que ama guardar)
Cantiga 65 - The Excommunicate who Won Absolution (A creer devemos que todo pecado)
Cantiga 66 - The Bishop who was Given a Vestment (Quantos en Santa Maria/ esperança an)
Cantiga 67 - The Man who had the Devil as his Servant (A Reinna groriosa/ tant’ é de gran santidade)
Cantiga 68 - The Wife and the Mistress (A Groriosa grandes faz / miragres por dar a nos paz)
Cantiga 69 - The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Toledo (Santa Maria os enfermos sãa)
Cantiga 70 - Cantiga de loor (Eno nome de Maria)
Cantiga 71 - The Nun who was Taught to Say her ’Aves’ (Se muito non amamos)
Cantiga 72 - The Blasphemer who was Struck Dead (Quen diz mal da reĩa espirital)
Cantiga 73 - The Stained Chasuble (Ben pod’ as cousas feas fremosas tornar)
Cantiga 74 - The Painter and the Devil (Quen Santa Maria quiser defender)
Cantiga 75 - The Rich Man and the Poor Widow (Omildade con pobreza)
Cantiga 76 - The Image of the Christ Child that was Held for Ransom (Quen as sas figuras da Virgen partir)
Cantiga 77 - The Contorted Woman of Lugo (Da que Deus mamou o leite do seu peito)
Cantiga 78 - The Slandered Man who was Spared from Burning (Non pode prender nunca morte vergonnosa)
Cantiga 79 - Musa, the Girl Taken to Paradise (Ai Santa Maria, | quen se per vos guia)
Cantiga 80 - Cantiga de loor (De graça chẽa e d’ amor)
Cantiga 81 - The Woman whose Face was Healed (Par Deus, tal sennor muito val)
Cantiga 82 - The Demon Swine (A Santa Maria mui bon servir faz)
Cantiga 83 - The Prisoner who was Freed from the Moors (Aos seus acomendados/ a Virgen tost’ á livrados)
Cantiga 84 - The Woman who Committed Suicide (O que en Santa Maria/ crever ben de coraçon)
Cantiga 85 - The Jew who was Delivered from Thieves (Pera toller gran perfia)
Cantiga 86 - Childbirth under the Sea (Acorrer-nos pode e de mal guardar)
Cantiga 87 - Geronimo is Made Bishop of Pavia (Muito punna d’ os seus onrar)
Cantiga 88 - The Virgin’s Electuary (Quen servir a Madre do gran Rey)
Cantiga 89 - The Jewish Woman who was Helped in Childbirth (A Madre de Deus onrrada/ chega sen tardada)
Cantiga 90 - Cantiga de loor (Sola fusti, senlleira)
Cantiga 91 - The Healing of People Suffering from St Martial’s Fire (A Virgen nos dá saud’/ e tolle mal)
Cantiga 92 - The Blind Priest whose Sight was Restored (Santa Maria poder á)
Cantiga 93 - The Leper who was Healed by the Virgin’s Milk (Nulla enfermidade)
Cantiga 94 - The Nun who Ran Away with a Knight (De vergonna nos guardar/ punna todavia)
Cantiga 95 - The Hermit who was Captured by the Moors (Quen aos servos da Virgen)
Cantiga 96 - The Talking Head (Atal Sennor/ é bõa que faz salva-lo pecador)
Cantiga 97 - The Slandered Man who was Exonerated (A Virgen sempr’ acorrer/ a correr)
Cantiga 98 - The Sinful Woman who could not Enter a Church (Non dev’ a Santa Maria/ mercee pedir)
Cantiga 99 - The Moors who Tried to Destroy an Image of the Virgin (Muito se deven tẽer/ por gentes de mal recado)
Cantiga 100 - Cantiga de loor (Santa Maria | estrela do dia)
Cantiga 101 - The Deaf-Mute who was Healed in Soissons (Ben pod’ a Sennor sen par/ fazer oir e falar)
Cantiga 102 - The Priest who was Cast into a Pit (Sempr’ aos seus val)
Cantiga 103 - The Monk who Listened to a Bird’s Song for Three Hundred Years (Quen a Virgen ben servirá )
Cantiga 104 - The Bleeding Host (Nunca ja pod’ aa Virgen | ome tal pesar fazer)
Cantiga 105 - The Maid of Arras (Gran piadad’ e mercee e nobreza)
Cantiga 106 - The Squires who were Freed from Captivity (Prijon forte nen dultosa)
Cantiga 107 - The Jewish Woman who was Thrown from a Cliff (Quen crever na Virgen santa)
Cantiga 108 - Merlin and the Jew (Dereit’ é de s’ end’ achar/ mal quen fillar perfia)
Cantiga 109 - The Possessed Man who was Exorcised at Salas (Razon an os diabos de fogir)
Cantiga 110 - Cantiga de loor (Tant’ é Santa Maria de ben mui conprida)
Cantiga 111 - The Drowned Priest (En todo tempo faz ben)
Cantiga 112 - The Ship whose Crew and Cargo were Preserved (Nas coitas devemos chamar)
Cantiga 113 - The Falling Rock of Montserrat (Por razon tenno d’ obeder)
Cantiga 114 - The Mother whose Son was Beaten (A que serven todolos celestiaes)
Cantiga 115 - The Boy whose Parents Dedicated him to the Devil (Con seu ben/ sempre ven)
Cantiga 116 - The Candles that Miraculously Came Alight (Dereit’ é de lume dar)
Cantiga 117 - The Seamstress who Worked on the Sabbath (Toda cousa que aa Virgen seja prometuda)
Cantiga 118 - The Stillborn Child who was Revived at Salas (Fazer pode d’ outri vive-los seus/ fillos)
Cantiga 119 - The Judge who was Carried Away by Devils (Como somos per consello do demo perdudos)
Cantiga 120 - Cantiga de loor (Quantos me creveren loarán)
Cantiga 121 - The Knight who Made Garlands for the Virgin’s Image (De muitas maneiras busca/ a Virgen esperital)
Cantiga 122 - The Infanta who was Brought back to Life (Miragres muitos pelos reis faz)
Cantiga 123 - The Dying Franciscan who Banished the Devils (De Santa Maria sinal qual xe quer)
Cantiga 124 - The Man who Survived Execution so he could Make his Confession (O que pola Virgen leixa)
Cantiga 125 - The Priest who Used Magic to Seduce a Maiden (Muit’ é mayor o ben-fazer)
Cantiga 126 - The Soldier who was Struck in the Face by an Arrow (De toda chaga ben pode guarir)
Cantiga 127 - The Young Man who Kicked his Mother (Non pod’ ome pela Virgen/ tanta coita endurar)
Cantiga 128 - The Peasant who Placed a Host in a Beehive (Tan muit’ é con Jesu-Cristo)
Cantiga 129 - The Soldier who was Struck in the Eye by an Arrow (De todo mal e de toda ferida)
Cantiga 130 - Cantiga de loor (Quen entender quiser)
Cantiga 131 - The Emperor who was Trapped in a Mine (En tamanna coita non pode seer)
Cantiga 132 - The Clerk of Pisa (Quen leixar Santa Maria)
Cantiga 133 - The Girl who Drowned in a Ditch (Resurgir pode e faze-los seus/ vive-la Virgen)
Cantiga 134 - The Outbreak of St Martial’s Fire in Paris (A Virgen en que é toda santidade)
Cantiga 135 - The Marriage Ordained by the Virgin (Aquel podedes jurar/ que é ben de mal guardado)
Cantiga 136 - The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Virgin (Poi-las figuras fazen dos santos renenbrança)
Cantiga 137 - The Lustful Knight who was Made Impotent (Sempr’ acha Santa Maria razon verdadeira)
Cantiga 138 - John Chrysostom’s Vision (Quen a Santa Maria de coraçon/ rogar)
Cantiga 139 - The Boy who Offered Bread to an Image of the Christ Child (Maravillosos/ e piadosos)
Cantiga 140 - Cantiga de loor (A Santa Maria dadas/ sejan loores onrradas)
Cantiga 141 - The Old Monk whose Youth was Restored (Quen muit’ onrrar o nome da Sennor conprida)
Cantiga 142 - The Huntsman who was Rescued from Drowning (Ena gran coita sempr’ acorrer ven)
Cantiga 143 - The Drought in Jerez de la Frontera (Quen algua cousa quiser pedir)
Cantiga 144 - The Fierce Bull that was Tamed (Con razon é d’ averen gran pavor)
Cantiga 145 - The Gold Given to John, the Patriarch of Alexandria (O que pola Virgen de grado)
Cantiga 146 - The Man whose Eyes and Hands were Restored (Quen comendar de coraçon)
Cantiga 147 - The Talking Sheep (A madre do que a bestia de Balaam falar fez)
Cantiga 148 - The Knight who was Protected by a Linen Shift (De mui grandes periglos)
Cantiga 149 - The German Priest who Doubted the Sacrament (Fol é a desmesura)
Cantiga 151 - The Priest who Renounced his Mistress (Sempr’ a Virgen, de Deus Madre/ busca vias e carreiras)
Cantiga 152 - The Silver Bowl Filled with Bitter Liquid (Tantas nos mostra a Virgen)
Cantiga 153 - The Reluctant Pilgrim Carried to Rocamadour (Quen quer que ten en desden)
Cantiga 154 - The Gambler who Fired an Arrow at the Heavens (Tan grand’ amor á a Virgen)
Cantiga 155 - The Knight [Mamluk] who Filled a Tankard with Tears (Ali u a pẽedença/ do pecador vai minguar)
Cantiga 156 - The Priest whose Tongue was Cut Out (A Madre do que de terra/ primeir’ ome foi fazer)
Cantiga 157 - The Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meal was Stolen (Deus por sa Madre castiga)
Cantiga 158 - The Knight who was Freed by the Virgin and led to Rocamadour (De muitas guisas los presos)
Cantiga 159 - The Pilgrims to Rocamadour whose Meat was Stolen (Non sofre Santa Maria | de seeren perdidosos)
Cantiga 160 - Cantiga de loor (Quen bõa dona querrá/ loar)
Cantiga 161 - The Vineyard that was Protected from Hail (Poder á Santa Maria/ a Sennor de piadade)
Cantiga 162 - The Statue that Moved to the High Altar (As sas figuras muit’ onrrar)
Cantiga 163 - The Gambler who Renounced the Virgin (Pode por Santa Maria/ o mao perde-la fala)
Cantiga 164 - The Statue that Cried out Against the Arrest of a Monk (Como deve dos crischãos/ seer a Virgen onrrada)
Cantiga 165 - The Celestial Knights who Protected the City of Tartus (Niun poder deste mundo)
Cantiga 166 - The Lame Man Healed at Salas (Como poden per sas culpas)
Cantiga 167 - The Muslim Child who was Revived at Salas (Quen quer que na Virgen fia)
Cantiga 168 - The Child Revived at Salas (En todo logar á poder)
Cantiga 169 - The Church at Arreixaca is Protected by the Virgin (A que por nos salvar/ fezo Deus Madr’ e Filla)
Cantiga 170 - Cantiga de loor (Loar devemos a que sempre faz/ ben)
Cantiga 171 - The Drowned Boy (Santa Maria grandes faz/ miragres e saborosos)
Cantiga 172 - The Pilgrims Bound for Acre who Survived a Storm (A Madre de Jesu-Cristo/ que ceos, terras e mares/ fez)
Cantiga 173 - The Man who Passed a Kidney Stone (Tantas en Santa Maria/ son mercees)
Cantiga 174 - The Knight who Cut out his Tongue (Como aa Virgen pesa/ de quen erra a ciente)
Cantiga 175 - The Pilgrim to Santiago who was Wrongly Hanged (Por dereito ten a Virgen)
Cantiga 176 - The Captive in Majorca who was Freed from the Moors (Soltar pode muit’ aginna/ os presos)
Cantiga 177 - The Man whose Eyes were Restored (Non vos é gran maravilla/ de lum’ ao cego dar)
Cantiga 178 - The Mule that was Revived (A que faz o ome morto/ resurgir)
Cantiga 179 - The Lame Woman of Molina (Ben sab’ a que pod’ e val/ fisica celestial)
Cantiga 180 - Cantiga de loor (Vella e minĩa)
Cantiga 181 - The Banner of the Virgin Defeats the Moors at Marrakesh (Pero que seja a gente d’ outra lei e descreuda)
Cantiga 182 - The Thief who was Brought back to Life (Deus que mui ben barata)
Cantiga 183 - The Moors of Faro who Threw a Statue of the Virgin into the Sea (Pesar á Santa Maria)
Cantiga 184 - The Baby who was Born through a Wound in his Mother’s Side (A Madre de Deus / tant’ á en si gran vertude)
Cantiga 185 (CSM 186) - The Woman whose Mother-in-law Plotted her Death (Quen na Virgen santa muito fiar )
Cantiga 186 - The Monks of Jerusalem who were Saved from Famine (Gran fe devia om’ aver en Santa Maria)
Cantiga 187 (CSM 185) - The Statue that Defended a Castle (Poder á Santa Maria/ grande d’ os seus acorrer)
Cantiga 187 (CSM 185) - The Statue that Defended a Castle (Poder á Santa Maria/ grande d’ os seus acorrer)
Cantiga 188 - The Image that was Found in a Young Girl’s Heart (Coraçon d’ om’ ou de moller)
Cantiga 189 - The Pilgrim Healed of Dragon’s Bane (Ben pode Santa Maria guarir de toda poçon)
Cantiga 190 - Cantiga de loor (Pouco devemos preçar)
Cantiga 191 - The Woman who Fell from a Cliff (O que de Santa Maria/ sa mercee ben gaanna)
Cantiga 192 - The Muslim Servant (Muitas vegadas o dem’ enganados/ ten os omes)
Cantiga 193 - The Merchant who was Saved from Drowning (Sobelos fondos do mar)
Cantiga 194 - The Robbed Minstrel (Como o nome da Virgen/ é aos bõos fremoso)

Codex Florencia Ms Banco Rari 20.

Including unfinished illustrations but not illustrations that only contain an otherwise blank framework.

Cantiga CSM 205 - The Muslim Woman who Survived a Siege (Oraçon con piadade)
Cantiga CSM 207 - The Statue that Thanked a Merciful Knight (Se ome fezer de grado/ pola Virgen algun ben)
Cantiga CSM 208 - The Heretic who Placed a Host in a Beehive (Aquele que ena Virgen/ carne por seer veudo/ fillou)
Cantiga CSM 209 - King Alfonso is Healed by the Virgin’s Book (Muito faz grand’ erro e en torto jaz)
Cantiga CSM 211 - The Bees that Repaired the Paschal Candle (Apostos miragres faz todavia)
Cantiga CSM 224 - The Girl who was Healed and Revived in Terena (A Reinna en que é/ comprida toda mesura)
Cantiga CSM 228 - The Mule that Suffered from Gout (Tant’ é grand’ a sa mercee)
Cantiga CSM 235 - The Virgin’s Favours to King Alfonso (Como gradecer ben-feito/ é cousa que muito val)
Cantiga CSM 236 - The Shipwrecked Woman who was Brought to Shore (A Santa Madre daquele/ que a pe sobelo mar)
Cantiga CSM 237 - The Murdered Prostitute (Se ben ena Virgen fiar)
Cantiga CSM 245 - The Hostage who was Released (O que en coita de morte)
Cantiga CSM 248 - The Brawling Sailors (Sen muito ben que nos faze)
Cantiga CSM 252 - The Labourers who were Buried under a Pile of Sand (Tan gran poder á sa Madre)
Cantiga CSM 256 - Queen Beatriz is Healed (Quen na Virgen groriosa/ esperança mui grand’ á)
Cantiga CSM 265 - John of Damascus who Cut off his Hand (Sempr’ a Virgen santa dá bon gualardon)
Cantiga CSM 266 - The Beam that Fell on the Congregation (De muitas guisas miragres)
Cantiga CSM 271 - The Ship that was Stuck Fast in the River (Ben pode seguramente/ demanda-lo que quiser)
Cantiga CSM 273 - The Miraculous Thread (A Madre de Deus que éste/ do mundo lum’ e espello)
Cantiga CSM 275 - The Rabid Knights Hospitaller (A que nos guarda do gran fog’ infernal)
Cantiga CSM 278 - The Blind Pilgrim to Santiago who was Healed at Vilasirga (Como sofre mui gran coita/ o om’ en cego seer)
Cantiga CSM 282 - The Child who Fell from a Rooftop (Par Deus, muit’ á gran vertude)
Cantiga CSM 289 (was 396) - The Farmer who Reaped on the Feast of Saint Cyres (Pero que os outros santos/ a vezes prenden vingança)
Cantiga CSM 292 - Master Jorge and the King’s Ring (Muito demostra a Virgen)
Cantiga CSM 294 - The Gambling Woman who Threw a Stone at a Statue of the Christ Child (Non é mui gran maravilla/ seeren obedientes)
Cantiga CSM 299 - The Ivory Pendant (De muitas maneiras Santa Maria/ mercees faz)
Cantiga CSM 301 - The Squire who was Freed from Prison (Macar faz Santa Maria/ miragres dua natura)
Cantiga CSM 304 - The Virgin’s Lamp (Aquela en que Deus carne/ prendeu)
Cantiga CSM 305 - The Certificate of Absolution (Senpre devemos na Virgen/ a tẽer os corações)
Cantiga CSM 307 - The Volcano that Erupted in Sicily (Toller pod’ a Madre de Nostro Sennor)
Cantiga CSM 313 - The Dove that Appeared on a Storm-tossed Ship (Ali u todolos santos)
Cantiga CSM 316 - The Jealous Priest who Committed Arson (Par Deus, non é mui sen guisa)
Cantiga CSM 323 - The Boy Revived at Coria (Ontre todalas vertudes)
Cantiga CSM 326 - The Thieves who Stole Beehives (A Santa Maria muito ll’ é greu)
Cantiga CSM 363 - The Imprisoned Troubadour (En bon ponto vimos esta Sennor que loamos)
Cantiga CSM 408 - The Squire who was Pierced by an Arrow (De spirital cilurgia)

The Toledo BNM MS 10069 is illuminated but not illustrated

Illustrations of musical subjects in Escorial MS B.1.2

Captions from The Oxford Cantigas de Santa Maria Database

Main page - Military subjects from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
Large thumbnails of all the illustrated pages from Escorial Cantiga Ms T. I. 1 - Códice Rico
Large thumbnails of all the illustrated pages from Florencia Cantiga Ms Banco Rari 20

Other Spanish & North African Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers
Index of Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers

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