Rear-Admiral Sueto Hirose commanded the Attack
Force for the invasion of Batan and the Camiguin Islands in the
Philippines from 8 to 10 December 1941.
On 10 January 1942, he was Commander at Tarakan, Borneo.
He Commanded the 4th Destroyer Flotilla participating in the Makassar, Celebes, Invasion Force, on 08 February 1942.
By 1945, he was Commander of the 9th Naval Base Force on Sabang Island off Northern Sumatra.
On 31 August 1945, he received the instructions for the surrender of Sabang and the evacuation of Sumatra, from Commodore A.C. Poland
aboard the HMS London. On 1 September 1945, he moved from Sabang to Sumatra.
On 21 October 1945, along with Lieutenant-General Tanabe of the 25th Army, Sueto formally surrendered to
Major-General H.M. Chambers GOC of the 26th Indian Division, at Padangto.
He was evacuated along with the 9th Naval Shore Force, composed of 3,776 army and naval personnel, and
Major-General S. Ino, Governor of Aceh Province, from Koetaradja, Northern Sumatra.
The evacuation took place under the supervision of Major E. Esmond-Jones, OC of D Company, 2nd Battalion, Durham Infantry on 19 December 1945.
Sueto was ordered to surrender his sword to "British Flag Officer Malaya", which he presumably did.
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Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942
Copyright © Klemen. L. 1999-2000