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Article List
Forgotten Campaign: The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942
Admiralty Islands in 1942 " We were first ! " Unit History of Australian No.1 Independent Company
Armoured Vehicles in the Pacific War
Special Dutch East Indies 1941-1942 Bibliography
BIOGRAPHIES The Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942
Books & Bibliography
The Chronology of the Dutch East Indies, December 1941 - March 1942
The Pacific War 1941-1945: THE LINKS
Massacres of POWs, Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
The Pacific War - The Untold Stories 1941-1945
The Submarine War
Veterans of the Dutch East Indies Campaign
The War at Sea
Air Force
201st Mexican Fighter Squadron
US Patrol Wing 10 in the Dutch East Indies, 1942
During a little-known raid, Japan's newest four-engine flying boat was put to a challenging test: a flight of more than 3,000 miles to attack Hawaii.
Save your life! An account of NAP 1/C Shinsaku Yamakawa during the attack on USS oiler Pecos, Java Sea 1942
Royal Air Force Ranks (RAF)
Who sank IJN destroyer Shinonome, December 1941?
The restless sky over Tarakan Island, January 13th 1942
Hawker Hurricane in Dutch Service
Japanese Aircraft Designation System
British Aircraft Designation Systems
USAF Historical Study No. 34: Williams, E. Kathleen (1945). Army Air Forces in the War Against Japan, 1941–1942.
Brewster Buffaloes for the Militaire Luchtvaart KNIL
Alvis-Straussler Armoured Cars in the Netherlands East Indies
The Use of Armoured Vehicles on Borneo, 1941-1942
British Armoured Units in the Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
Vickers-Carden-Loyd Light Tanks in the Netherlands East Indies
Chinese Nationalist Armour in World War II
100th Indian Independent Light Tank Squadron, Malaya 1942
The Japanese Armoured Units in the Dutch East Indies 1941-1942
Japanese Armoured Units on Java Island, 1942
Dutch (KNIL) Armoured Units in the Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
Japanese Armoured Units on Timor Island, 1942
Marmon-Herrington Military Vehicles
Marmon-Herrington Tanks
Lieutenant-General Gerardus Johannes Berenschot
Brigadier Arthur Seaforth Blackburn
Air Force Major-General Lewis Hyde Brereton
Air Force Lieutenant-General George H. Brett
Commodore John Augustine Collins
Group Captain Sir Lawrence Darvall
Rear-Admiral Karel W.F.M. Doorman
Rear-Admiral Ruitaro Fujita
Rear-Admiral William A. Glassford, Jr.
Rear-Admiral Kenzaburo Hara
Admiral Thomas Charles Hart
Rear-Admiral Shintaro Hashimoto
Rear-Admiral Kouichiro Hatakeyama
Vice-Admiral Conrad Emil Lambert Helfrich
Captain Jacob P. van Helsdingen Hero of the Dutch East Indies, 1942
Rear-Admiral Sueto Hirose
Lieutenant-General Hitoshi Imamura
Major-General Takeo Ito
Rear-Admiral Kakaji Kakuta
Major-General Kiyotake Kawaguchi
Rear-Admiral Pieter Koenraad
Vice-Admiral Nobutake Kondo
Rear-Admiral Kyuji Kubo
Rear-Admiral Takeo Kurita
Air Vice-Marshal Sir Paul (Copeland) Maltby
Lieutenant-General Masao Maruyama
Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo
Rear-Admiral Shoji Nishimura
Major-General Roelof T. Overakker
Vice-Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa
Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur Francis Eric Palliser
Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Edmund Charles Peirse
Lieutenant-General Arthur Ernest Percival
Major-General Jacob J. Pesman
Major-General Ian Stanley Ord Playfair
Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Royds Pownall
Major-General Shizuo Sakaguchi
Major-General Wijbrandus Schilling
Colonel Toshishige Shoji
Major-General Sir Hervey Degge Wilmot Sitwell
Rear-Admiral Gerhard Wilhelm Stöve
Rear-Admiral Takeo Takagi
Vice-Admiral Ibo Takahashi
Rear-Admiral Raizo Tanaka
Lieutenant-General Hein Ter Poorten
Report on a Grimness
Major-General Yuitsu Tsuchihashi
Vice-Admiral Nishio Tsukahara
Air Force Lieutenant-General Ludolph H. van Oyen
Rear-Admiral Johan Jasper Abraham van Staveren
General Sir Archibald Percival Wavell
Captain Leonard Walter Thomas Williams
Land Combats
The Japanese Invasion of Ambon Island, January 1942
The capture of Andaman Islands, March 1942
The capture of Bali Island, February 1942
The capture of Balikpapan, January 1942
The Banda Sea Operations 1941-1942
The capture of Bandjermasin
The conquest of Borneo Island, 1941-1942
Buka Island, No. 3 Section, ’A’ Platoon, First Independent Company, AIF
The Mystery of Christmas Island, March 1942
The Dutch Submarine Operations in the Dutch East Indies 1941-1942
"Diggers" on East Timor ! The East Timor Island, March 1942 to December 1942
The Japanese Invasion of Sumatra Island
Pacific War 1941-1945 Guidelines
The Japanese paratroopers in the Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
The conquest of Java Island, March 1942
Photo Gallery - The Fall of Java Island, March 1942
The Fall of Kendari, January 1942
"Seventy minutes before Pearl Harbor" The landing at Kota Bharu, Malaya, on December 7th 1941
The Lesser Sunda Islands 1941-1942
The capture of Makassar, February 1942
The capture of Manokwari, April 1942
Manus Island, experience of No. 4 Section, 'B' Platoon, First Independent Company, Australian Imperial Force
The Fall of Menado, January 1942
The last Dutch fortress in the East Indies - Merauke, Dutch New Guinea, 1942
The Fall of Dutch New Guinea, April 1942
An Abandoned Army - The KNIL and The Japanese Invasion of Northern Dutch Sumatra
The Battle for Palembang, February 1942
The capture of Rabaul and Kavieng, January 1942
The capture of Riouw Archipelago
The Japanese occupation of Sandakan, January 1942
The Invasion of British Borneo in 1942
The Italian Armed Forces in China, 1937-1943
The capture of Tarakan Island, January 1942
The Japanese Invasion of Dutch West Timor Island, February 1942
The fighting on Portuguese East Timor, 1942
Books Sale
Chronology of the Dutch East Indies, 1 December 1941 - 6 December 1941
Chronology of the Dutch East Indies, 7 December 1941 - 11 December 1941
Chronology of the Dutch East Indies, 12 December 1941 - 18 December 1941
Chronology of the Dutch East Indies, 19 December 1941 - 24 December 1941
Chronology of the Dutch East Indies, 25 December 1941 - 31 December 1941
Cocos Islands during World War II
Japan's need for oil and the Embargo (1940-1941)
Index of Indonesian-Dutch Geographic Names
Medical Patrol on Manus Island, 1941
Portugal in War
Weapons and Equipment during the Dutch East Indies Campaign 1941-1942
Allied Merchant Ship Losses in the Pacific and Southeast Asia
"The Lost Oppurtunity !" The Badung Strait Battle, February 1942
"The Night Hawks of Balikpapan" The Balikpapan Raid, January 1942
British and Australian Warship Losses in the Dutch East Indies
Dutch Warship Losses in the Dutch East Indies (December 7th, 1941 - March 8th, 1942)
The USS Houston's Corner
Italian submarines and surface vessels in the Far East: 1940-45
Imperial Japanese Navy Submarine Operations in the Dutch East Indies 1941-194
The Japanese Shipping Losses in the Pacific and Southeast Asia (December 7th, 1941 - March 9th, 1942)
The Java Sea Battle
Dutch Maritime Disasters in the Dutch East Indies, 1941-1942
Naval Ranks
The Ondina Story
The story of Dutch sloop Soemba
" It seems almost impossible ! " Soviet Submarines sail across the Seven Seas
The Japanese Submarine War, 1941-1942
The Sunda Strait Battle
Home Is The Sailor
The U-Boat War in the Indian Ocean
The USN and Royal Navy Submarine Operations in the Dutch East Indies 1941-1942
The United States Warship Losses in the Dutch East Indies
Opération "IRONCLAD": Diego Suarez, 5-8 mai 1942
Australian Uniforms, 1941-1942
The British Uniforms, 1941-1942
Dutch Uniforms, 1941-1942
Japanese Uniforms, 1941-1942
KNIL Uniforms 1918-1942
Militaire Luchtvardienst (ML-KNIL) - The uniforms of 1918-1928
United States Uniforms, 1941-1942
Units & Orders of Battle
Never Unprepared - A History of the 26th Australian Infantry Battalion
Dutch Air Force Order of Battle in the Dutch East Indies, 30 November 1941
Australian First Independent Company, 1942
The Gunners: A History of Australian Artillery, by David Horner
Japanese garrisons on the by-passed Pacific Islands 1944-1945
Order of battle for Dutch, British, Australian, USA and Japanese Army
Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces
Structure of an Australian Independent Company, 1942
Order of Battle of the Asiatic Fleet and the 16th Naval District
POWs, Internees, Massacres, Survivors & Brutality
The Balikpapan Massacre, February 1942
The Bangka Island Massacre, February 1942
Why was the war in the Pacific so brutal?
Execution of Allied Air Force Officer by the Japanese, New Guinea
The death of Private Kauffman, USMC Sumay Barracks, Guam Island, December 10th, 1941
The Carnage at Laha, February 1942
Look back at us in mercy
Why have the Japanese defeated us ?
Veteran's Stories
Interview with Ronald Ashton
Interview with Felix Bakker
Interview with Arie Biemond
Interview with Christopher Briggs
The story of Captain G.F. Stephan, Tarakan Island Island 1942
The Story of De Ruyter survivors, the flagship of Admiral Doorman, February 1942
The story of Cornelis de Wolf, sole survivor of O-16, December 1941
Interview with John Rodney Guidry
Interview with Alfred Hansen
Interview with Adriaan Kannegieter
Interview with Raymond Kester
Interview with Cyril J. Morris
The story of Jack Sercombe, Ambon Island 1942
Interview with Franciscus Johannes Zantvoort
Planes and Pilots of WWII
Fighter Aces Of The 7th Fighter Squadron, Part One.
B-10s to Stratojets by Chuck Baisden and C.C. Jordan.
Bent Wings - F4U Corsair Action & Accidents by Fred Blechman.
Bob Hope Meets the Big Tail Bird by Joseph Connaughton
Curtiss Wright Failures, 1937 to 1945.
John's Story by Lt. John Meade.
The F4U-4: The Best Fighter/Bomber Of WWII?
Fei Hu: The Script by Frank Christopher.
Pushing the Envelope With Test Pilot Herb Fisher
Remembering Gordon by Lt. Col. Thomas E. Baker
Grumman's Cats: 1939 to 1945.
The Cradle of Aviation Series: The Grumman Story 1930-1945.
A Real Good War by Sam Halpert.
Hawker's 'Storm' Fighters of WWII.
Farewell Robert Johnson by Fred Alexander.
Command by Tom Blackburn with Eric Hammel.
P-38: Der Gabelschwanz Teufel by Carlo Kopp
Whatever Happened To The P-38K?
The Lockheed P-38 Lightning in North Africa and the MTO.
The Last P-40C by Tom Cleaver and Erik Shilling.
Republic's Missing Link: The P-44.
Republic's High Speed P-47M.
The P-38: Is Size And Shape A Disadvantage?
Flying The Prototypes by Erik Shilling.
Reggiane RE 2000 Falco (Hawk) by Max C.A. Cappone
A Flying Tiger's Story by Dick Rossi.
Tale Of A Tiger by Robert T. Smith.
Reality.. Remembering Schweinfurt by Wally Hoffman.
The Cradle of Aviation Series: Seversky & Republic.
Erik Shilling: Flying Tiger.
Terrorflieger By Verne Woods.
U.S. Naval Air Operations, WWII.
The Amazing George Welch, Part 1. The Tiger of Pearl Harbor.
The Amazing George Welch, Part 2. First Through the Sonic Wall
The Bell P-39 Airacobra, it's performance destroyed by the USAAF.
Yakovlev Fighters of the Great Patriotic War.
Changing from "Donkeys" to "Mustangs" Chinese Aviation In The War With Japan, 1940-1945 by Anatolii Demin
VI Bomber Command In Defense Of The Panama Canal by William Conaway, Jr.
Gustin's Military Aircraft Database.