Battles of Quebec 1759, 1760 & 1775
In 1759 Wolfe defeated Montcalm. In 1760 de Lévis defeated Murray. In 1775 Carleton defeated Montgomery & Arnold's assault on Quebec.
Summer terrain:

Winter terrain:

Find Quebec for SMA here
Battle of Glendale or Nelson's Farm or Frayser's Farm
Battle of Malvern Hill
Glendale - June 30th, 1862
Malvern Hill - July 1st, 1862
Days 6 and 7 of 7 Days Battles
Find the battles of Glendale & Malvern Hill for Sid Meier's Gettysburg here.
Engagements at Garnett's & Golding's,
Battle of Savage's Station
Savage's Station - June 27th thru 29th, 1862
Days 3 thru 5 of 7 Days Battles
From RVinceD's design notes:
The next days are lost due to many reasons. Toombs attempts to hit the enemy where their line crosses the river while Gaines' Mill is raging, but he is stopped.
Next day, he attempts it again, and is again stopped.
Nothing happens. RE Lee is thinking of his next plan. He needs to know what McClellan is doing. Ewell moves towards White House and reports that McClellan is shifting his supply lines to the south. Lee plans to move AP Hill and Longstreet around the enemies left flank and try to cut him off. Jackson, DH Hill and Magruder were to hold McClellan by a vigorous advance. Broken bridges slow up Jackson and DH Hill.
That leaves Magruder and he advances and follows the retreating Union. Sumner decides to defend at Savage's Station.
The remainder of Porter's and Keyes' corps (both battered in battle) are sent to Malvern Hill.
Heintzelman did not want to fight and he, unknown to Sumner, left and headed south. Franklin followed suite, but, hearing the guns, turned around to give aid to Sumner.
Find the battle of Savage's Station for Sid Meier's Gettysburg here.
Battle of Austerlitz
Austerlitz December 2nd, 1805
New Battle Pack: Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory [ANGV], has been converted by Ernie to now play on Sid Meier's Antietam. This is a full game battle pack consisting of twenty-six scenarios, extensive graphics, new intro and menu screens, soldiers, and an Austerlitz Battlefield map measuring 125 by 150 squares.
Find ANGV for SMA here
Battle of Gaines' Mill/1st Cold Harbor/Chickahominy
Gaines' Mill June 27th, 1862
Day 3 of 7 Days Battles
From RVinceD's design notes:
Porter was able to escape the clutches of Jackson and AP Hill and, using rear guards to slow the enemy advance, found a strong defensive line east of Gaines' Mill.
AP Hill, ever the hot head, races after him. DH Hill joins up with Jackson who gets lost. DH Hill eventually leads Jackson's column to arrive at Old Cold Harbor from the north. Longstreet, who came behind DH Hill, follows the river road towards Gaines' Mill.
AP Hill attacks alone again. Longstreet watches but is eventually ordered to make a feint towards the enemy left flank. His diversion eventually turns into an all out attack.
DH Hill and Jackson are sitting outside Cold Harbor under the belief that AP Hill was driving the enemy toward them into a trap.
AP Hill is stalled. DH Hill then advances and chips away on the Union right flank. Hood's brigade takes over for AP Hill and finally punches through the lines.
Slocum (Franklin's corps) and Richardson (Sumner's corps) re-cross the river again to bring aid to Porter. Nightfall causes the end of the battle.
Find the battle of Gaines' Mill for Sid Meier's Gettysburg here.
Waterloo 1815 for SMA
New Battle Pack: Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle [WNLB], has been converted by Ernie to now play on SMA. This is a full game battle pack consisting of twenty-nine scenarios, extensive graphics, new intro and menu screens, soldiers, and a Waterloo Battlefield map measuring 145 by 100 squares. To download WNLB for SMA, go to:
Battle of Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek
Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek June 26th, 1862
Day 2 of 7 Days Battles
From RVinceD's design notes:
AP Hill, now a division commander of 6 brigades, is frustrated because Jackson has not arrived. In order to not lose any more time, AP Hill attacks alone. His attack runs up against strong defensive positions along Beaver Dam Creek; defenses that Porter's troops have been building and strengthening since early May.
Porter's Corps may have been destroyed if Jackson was not delayed with poor maps and felled trees and snipers. At the same time, Porter claims to have had plans to fall back immediately if Jackson arrived (for the rumor was that he was on the way). Porter already had his supplies moved eastward in preparation. Is this claim true? Does Porter's plan line up with McClellan's plan of advancing towards Richmond?
McClellan had a habit of visiting his Corps commanders, giving them general instructions, and then riding off somewhere else and leaving his Corps commanders to make their own field decisions. In fact, now that McDowell is certainly never going to join him, McClellan plans to move his supply base from the York River (White House) to the James River (Charles City). So indeed, perhaps Porter was making plans to cross south and join the rest of the army. But why did he take so long in doing so? Was he a diversion as the supply lines were adjusted?
download version 1.1 of the battle of Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek for Sid Meier's Gettysburg (0.9MB).
Battle of 1st Bull Run/Manassas
BULL RUN/MANASSAS July 21st, 1861
Public demand pushed Union General-in-Chief Winfield Scott to advance on the South before adequately training his untried troops. Scott ordered General Irvin McDowell to advance on Confederate troops stationed at Manassas Junction, Virginia. McDowell attacked on July 21, and was initially successful, but the introduction of Confederate reinforcements resulted in a Southern victory and a chaotic retreat toward Washington by federal troops.
download the battle of 1st Bull Run/Manassas for Sid Meier's Gettysburg (1.7MB).
Have a look at the buildings of Bull Run/Manassas
RVinceD's Seven Pines & Oak Grove
SEVEN PINES May 31st and June 1st, 1862
McClellan has split his army in half. Porter, Franklin and Sumner are north of the Chickahominy and Keyes and Heintzelman are south. Keyes is the most advanced with Heintzelman covering the bridges far to the rear and probing south towards the James River. McClellan always favored the James to the York River, but the CSS Virginia (Merrimack) ironclad kept him from this move. Additionally, he was forced (and at one point given a direct order) to move northward and link up with McDowell who was headed south (when in fact, McDowell never did come to join McClellan because of all the fear that Jackson's Valley campaign gave the Union government). The Virginia ironclad is no longer an issue with the capture of Norfolk and the arrival of the Monitor. So McClellan would prefer shifting his base to the James River.
JE Johnston was originally going to hit Porter at Mechanicsville before McDowell could join McClellan (in fact he had gathered his army near the bridges). When he learned that the former was not coming, he reverted back to Longstreet's suggestion to strike Keyes while he was all alone.
The plan was for Smith, with Longstreet, to strike from the north and DH Hill and Huger to strike from the south. Longstreet, not wanting to report to Smith, moved south and took command of that flank. His delay, for whatever reasons one wishes to believe, caused the failure of the battle. It was past noon before DH Hill even began his attack, when JE Johnston was under the belief that the battle would already have been won by that time. As such, reinforcements were able to support Keyes and stop DH Hill.
Longstreet finally came up in full strength in the evening and planned to renew the attack in the morning. He did, but was surprised at the strength of the Union forces. He was stopped, and then pushed back.
McClellan felt it was a victory because he gained all of the ground he lost. Lee (Johnston was wounded) believed it was a victory because of the destruction of one Union Corps.
OAK GROVE June 25th, 1862
McClellan ordered a hasty attack on the Richmond defenses to gain a foothold and begin his artillery bombardment. The attack unfolded on the morning of June 25.
Early that morning, Samuel P. Heintzelman's III Corps advanced down the Williamsburg Road within four miles of Richmond. Unfortunately for the Yankees, sufficient reinforcements failed to come up and aid the two brigades entering combat in the lead. Thus, the Federals withstood heavy combat with Ambrose Wright's Confederates until aid came up on both flanks. When this finally happened, the bluecoats moved within 100 yards of Wright's outer defense line. Despite considerable success in driving the enemy back to their trenches, Federal Brig. Gen. Joseph Hooker ordered the attack broken off before noon. McClellan tardily arrived on the field at 1:00 p.m. and ordered a reengagement. However, it was too late to achieve any success. During the early afternoon lull, the Southerners had bolstered their defenses, and they fought hotly when the battle started again. Wright counterattacked, regaining almost all of the ground he had lost that morning.
The Battle of Oak Grove was the 1st of the Seven Days battles.
Find Seven Pines, Oak Grove & Savage's Station for Sid Meier's Gettysburg here.
download RVinceD's Powerpoint presentation of Seven Pines/Fair Oaks (1MB)
Map of Oak Grove from "Civil War", The Magazine of the Civil War Society, June 1995.
Dee's Chantilly: The Foot Cavalry
This is not a scenario based on the exact forces
engaged at Chantilly in 1862 but it is an offering up of the
troops available that could have fought.
Purely a What If scenario.
The OOBs I think are fairly accurate although some regiment
numbers are not accurate.
I think it plays better as a multi player game than a single
player scenario so try it out Generals.
Gen P Cleburne
download Chantilly v1.3
A site about Chantilly