Community for Sid Meier's Gettysburg! Players |
new:Battle of Chancellorsville for SMG Battles of Glendale & Malvern Hill for SMG Battle of Savage's Station for SMG Battle of Gaines' Mill/1st Cold Harbor for SMG Battle of Waterloo 1815 for SMA Battle of Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek for SMG 1st Battle of Bull Run/Manassas for SMG Homepages
Game Support Installation and patching guide ACW / Game Community
Featured links: Greatest BattlesGreatest Battles Forum Greatest Battles Downloads Sid Meier's Gettysburg Downloads Sid Meier's Antietam Downloads |
Headlines:Chancellorsville for SMG by GCook Quebec 1759, 1760 & 1775 for SMA by GCook Glendale & Malvern Hill for SMG by RVinceD Savage's Station for SMG by RVinceD Battle of Austerlitz 1805 for SMA by Ernie Battle of Gaines' Mill/1st Cold Harbor for SMG by RVinceD Battle of Waterloo 1815 for SMA by Ernie Battle of Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek for SMG by RVinceD 1st battle of Bull Run/Manassas for SMG by G.Cook
Analysis of PCX Files for SMG by RVinceD
Inside XP part 2: Gettysburg! on XP by Don V Wells, Jr.
Inside XP: Antietam! on XP by Don V Wells, Jr.
Site updates: History of Iron Brigade completed
Madminute Games announces 2nd Bull Run
New Patching Guide versions
List of donators online
Urgent update: donate now, even if you are not sure if you can play. Registration
will take some time!
Help now, win later: Gettys Katrina Relief Tourney
Hurricane Katrina
Next Tourney of the Month: June 26th New
record marks of the Gettys SETI Team The new Champion: Dr. Way! Myron Ledford's History of Gettysburg Brigades Gettys
SETI Team page launched Good
news: Unexpected support, Firaxis Downloads are up again Bad
times for cheats - Clansbase expels first player! Next
GOS Tourney of the Month: May 22nd Change
in Society Leadership GSC
Longstreet retains title! And
the winner is: GSC James Longstreet! Introducing
the new Tourney of the Month First
contact: join the Gettys SETI team! Take
Command 1861: Link exchange with MadMinute games New
Features at Clansbase Firaxis
downloads moved to EA Chancellorsville for SMG ;
August 2011 Graeme's battle pack of Chancellorsville is now available for download. See here. Quebec for SMA ;
July 2010 Graeme's battle pack of Quebec 1759 (Montcalm vs Wolfe), 1760 (de Lévis vs Murray) & 1775 (Montgomery & Arnold vs Carlton) is now available for download. See here. Glendale & Malvern Hill for SMG ;
December 2009 RVinceD's battle pack of Glendale & Malvern Hill is now available for download. See here. Savage's Station for SMG ;
June 2009 RVinceD's battle pack of Savage's Station is now available for download. See here. Austerlitz for SMA ;
30 January 2009 Ernie's battle pack of Austerlitz is now available for download. See here. Gaines' Mill/1st Cold Harbor for SMG ;
29 January 2009 RVinceD's battle pack of Gaines' Mill/1st Cold Harbor is now available for download. See here. Waterloo 1815 for SMA ;
23 November 2008 Ernie's battle pack of Waterloo is now available for download, see here. Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek for SMG ;
14 September 2008 RVinceD's battle pack of Mechanicsville/Beaver Dam Creek is now available for download. See here. 1st Battle of Bull Run/Manassas for SMG ;
13 July 2008 I have made a new version of the 1st battle of Bull Run/Manassas.
It has a new map with the elevations and streams based on a topographical map, the location of important buildings from a park service map and other details from both U.S. and C.S. maps of the period for the 1st & 2nd battles. I have drawn buildings for: Analysis of PCX Files for SMG by RVinceD ;
20 June 2008 I have made an illustrated article from an enquiry about a problem with PCX files and graphics programs and RVinceD's reply. You can find it here. Inside XP part 2: Gettysburg! on XP by Don V Wells, Jr.
12/17/05 We are continuing Don's great articles with Gettysburg!
on XP. Thank you so much Don, you really contributed a HUGE piece of
work. Inside XP: Antietam! on XP by Don V
Wells, Jr. 12/09/05 This is nice story: Don read a post at our forum, concerning the sound
dll problem with Antietam!
on XP. He started to write two articles and published them at Vogon
forums. Now he kindly revised his article for Gettysburg! Online
Society. He will also assist with creating an updated Antietam! on XP patching
guide. For all those seeking more "inside" information about the
problems of SMx under XP, this is a MUST. Enjoy reading. Site updates: History of Iron Brigade
completed 11/26/05 I apologize for the lack of updates during last weeks. Currently work
is keeping me busy, so I will be restricted to weekends. Myron Ledford's History
of the Iron Brigade is now completly published. It is Myron's first
article written exclusively for GOS, and I can only recommend reading this
great stuff! Parts 3 and 4 include chapters about the first battles of the
Iron Brigade, South Mountain and Antietam. I am hoping to publish more of
his work next months. Next updates will be some great tech stuff articles by Don Welles jr.
Great background info about problems of Gettysburg! and Antietam! under
Windows XP. Stay tuned and all the best, Matt Madminute Games announces 2nd Bull Run 10/06/05 Good news for all fans of ACW gaming: Madminute Games
announced their next title on October, 4th: it will be 2nd Bull Run. New Patching Guide versions 10/06/05 While there are sad news about the future of the Gettysburg Online
Society, the maintenance and update of our pages goes on. The French
version of the Gettysburg Patching Guide is online now. Bienvenue to
our French speaking visitors! And merci tres beaucoup to Stephan for his
help! The German version will follow soon. List of donators online
09/12/05 The list
of donators and supporters is now online at the forum.
It will stay there until the end of the tourney and will be moved to the
homepage later. Urgent update: Don't wait until you know you will definitely
know you will play the tourney. If you miss the tourney, you will be on
passive participants/supporters list! With some charity organizations it
will take some time to get a voucher or confirmation to forward to Little,
so get this done now! There is an updated thread at the forum to follow
the progress. Help now, win later: Gettys Katrina Relief
Tourney 09/05/05 Our tourney will be held on October 2nd. Please send your donation as
soon as possible! Only players with a confirmed donation will be able to
register for the Tourney! If you don't want to play, you can support the
Katrina Relief Tourney as passive participant. Read all the details at the
forum or the Relief Tourney
page. We ask you to donate now and register later. While we heard on
September 4th that our forum member Billy is safe, we still don't know
much about many other forum members who live in the south. Hurricane Katrina: We are looking for our forum member Billy Gregory! If you heard from
him, please post at the forum! There will be a Charity Tourney soon to
collect some donations for a care organization. More details at the forum Next Tourney of the Month: June 26th 06/03/05 Next Gettysburg! Online Society Tourney of the Month will be June 26th.
Some words about gaining KUDOS points until then: the tourney seedings
will be made based upon your ranking in KUDOS league. So, if you are
playing regularly games on, you will increase your chances
of gaining a good seeding and meet the big guns later in tourney schedule! New record marks of the Gettys SETI Team 06/03/05 Last weekend, our Gettys SETI Team reached the 100.000 credit points
mark. Thanks to all who helped achieving that great result! This week we
entered the top 1500 of all teams, the top 1000 of international teams,
and for the first time, we reached an average of more then 2000
points every day. The new Champion: Dr. Way! 05/22/05 Congratulations to Dr. Way, the new Tourney of the Month winner! This
was a very strong tourney this time, thrilling as always and with a very
good and solid field of players. Thank you to all who took part, and we
hope to see you all again at the next Tourney of the Month! Congratulations also to runner up GSC Lee and semi-finalists REB Main
and GSC Jackson. Myron Ledford's History of Gettysburg
Brigades 05/12/05 Exclusively written for the Gettysburg! Online Society, we are starting
a new series of history articles: Myron Ledford starts his History of
Gettysburg Brigades with Meredith's
Iron Brigade. The first parts are now published at the History
Project pages and will be continued soon. Gettys SETI Team page launched 05/11/05 Since February 2005 the Gettys SETI Team
has been crunching for the first and largest distributed computing
project, SETI @ home. Now that our team is going boldly into the top
2000 ranks, it deserved an own homepage! If you are interested in using
your comp for something more then work or gaming, you are welcome to join
us. Good news: Unexpected support, Firaxis
Downloads are up again 05/04/05 Sometimes good news are simply good news! Lately there have been some
unexpected supply wagons arriving. First off: the Firaxis
file downloads are up again! We don't know what made them change their
mind, but anyhow, good that all official files for Gettysburg and Antietam
are available again. I will take the provisional patch download off now. Last week, Matthew Morelli from Angle
showed up at Gamespy, that was a nice surprise too. Even better: he
instantly posted our link at Angle news, and there are already a few folks
who have found us. Welcome to all! I am hoping to get the Angle file
collection too soon, so that availability will be secured, whatever
happens. Thx, Matt! Arndt decided to join our Gettys Seti Team and help us climbing up the
ranks. Welcome on board! Maurice found a very good and improved router support site at Gamespy.
It will be added to our patching guide. Marc, another forum member, fixed the sound problem some users have
with Antietam on XP. I hope to put this into a guide soon too. Stay tuned,
check for updates and thx to all for their help! Bad times for cheats - Clansbase expels
first player! 04/23/05 This is good news for all good sports and friends of fair play. Some
folks might have been thinking that cheating on reports could be easier at
Clansbase then it was at Cases'. Well, if you have thought so, you have
been wrong. Clansbase today expelled the first player for cheating
on game reports. This is one of the very oldest ladder cheats ever, and it
is funny someone supposed us NOT to find out! Enjoy your games, enjoy competition, enjoy fair play! I think most of
us will like this message. Next GOS Tourney of the Month: May
22nd 04/20/05 Get some KUDOS points until then! Be ready, we are ready too! Change in Society Leadership 04/20/05 The former Society Vice Chairman, Ian, took over the leadership of
the Gettysburg Society, since I had to ask him for some help. I will try
to stay around and update the websites and forum as always. GSC Longstreet retains title! 04/20/05 Congratulations again to GSC Longstreet for retaining the title.
Congratulations also to runner up GAR Reynolds and to the semi-finalists
REB Main and Dr. Little! It was a thrilling tourney with some surprising results, 16 registrated
players and passionate battles! And, many new Clansbase players did their
first games at Clansbase and gained KUDOS points for future tourneys. As we are trying to improve the service of Society and Clansbase
"on the fly", there will be rules updates and some more changes
until the next TOM. And the winner is: GSC James Longstreet! Congratulations to GSC James Longstreet for winning the first Society
Tourney of the Month! It was a big success to get the new Tourney started
with 12 players out of possible 16. Thank you to all players who took
part! The Clansbase tourney engine did very well and will be tweaked until
the next Tourney. Next TOM: April 17th. Look at the tourney
page for details and sign up early. Introducing the new Tourney of the Month As a special feature for the growing community of Gettysburg Online
Society and Clansbase we will offer a Tourney of the Month, open for 16
players. Be sure to sign up early and get some KUDOS points to achieve a
good seeding. The TOM winner will be announced at this page for one
month and gain a permanent record at our Hall of Fame. We hope you will
have a lot of fun and enjoy meeting old friends at this event. The first
TOM is scheduled for March 13th.
First contact: join the Gettys SETI team! There are different ways to arrange a first contact. John Buford
probably took it very easy, since he did not even have to write a letter
to Harry Heth on July 1st, 1863. Today, establishing any kind of contact
with Firaxis seems to be a very different task. So we decided to start
looking for an easier challenge: the search for extraterrestrial
intelligence. If you want to help us, join the Gettys Online Society SETI team! By the way, we are still taking odds which kind of contact we
will have first... Take Command 1861: Link exchange
with MadMinute games We are now linked with MadMinute games, the creators of Civil War Bull Run Take Command 1861.
Ian arranged this exchange of links. It will be the first step only. As we
are trying to preserve the past of ACW gaming, Take Command 1861 will
certainly be the future. All the best wishes for this great new game! New Features at Clansbase Ian has been creative as always and took Clansbase to the next step of
development. We now have 1v1 tourney games, the ability to enter battle
reports and the Kudos league which is the league of all the competition
types. Firaxis downloads moved to EA Sincerely, Matthias |
![]() Society Banners contributed by Sam Tighe |